"According to the 2010-2012 American Community Survey, 10.3 million noncitizens under age 35 lived in the United States, representing less than 4 percent of the total U.S. population. Most of these immigrants - 80 percent- were young adults between the ages of 18 and 34. About three in five lived in this country for 5 years or longer, and over half arrived when they were under age 18..."
Noncitizen population
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Staying safe in a tornado
"To stay safe during a tornado, prepare a plan and emergency kit, stay
aware of weather conditions during thunderstorms, know the best places
to shelter both indoors and outdoors, and always protect your head..."
Tornado safety
Tornado safety
Using Different Types of Evidence in Decision Making
"The Understanding Evidence
tool is for you if you want to inform violence prevention
activities. The tool is an interactive Web resource developed by CDC’s
Division of Violence Prevention that supports public health
practitioners in making evidence-informed decisions around violence
prevention. The goal of evidence-based decision making is to bring a
high standard of research evidence into the decision-making process
while considering the contextual and experiential factors that influence
those decisions..."
Understanding Evidence
Understanding Evidence
CDC’s New Muscular Dystrophy Research
(Muscular Dystrophy Surveillance Tracking and Research Network) is the
only population-based muscular dystrophy tracking program in the United
States. Data from the five participating MD STARnet locations document:
How common each type of muscular dystrophy is in the population.
- How long it takes for a diagnosis to be made, diagnostic tests received, and age at confirmation of diagnosis.
- Types of medical services, medications, surgeries, and therapies received.
- Types of clinics and healthcare professionals who care for people with muscular dystrophy.
- How services and treatments affect outcomes and quality of life.
- The progression of the disease.
- Impact of the disease on families and caregivers..."
- Muscular dystrophy research
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2013
"America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2013
is a compendium of indicators depicting both the promises and the
challenges confronting our Nation's young people. The report, the 16th
in an ongoing series, presents 41 key indicators on important aspects of
children's lives. These indicators are drawn from our most reliable
statistics, are easily understood by broad audiences, are objectively
based on substantial research, are balanced so that no single area of
children's lives dominates the report, are measured regularly so that
they can be updated to show trends over time, and are representative of
large segments of the population rather than one particular group..."
America's Children...:2013
America's Children...:2013
CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress A Guide to U.S. Military Casualty Statistics: Operation New Dawn, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom
"This report presents statistics regarding U.S. military casualties in the active Operation Enduring
Military casualty statistics
Freedom (OEF, Afghanistan), as well as operations that have ended: Operation New Dawn (OND,
Iraq) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF, Iraq). This report includes statistics on post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), amputations, evacuations, and the
demographics of casualties. Some of these statistics are publicly available at the Department of
Defense’s (DOD’s) website, whereas others have been obtained through contact with experts at
DOD.." Military casualty statistics
Friday, February 21, 2014
Independence of Federal Financial Regulators
"Conventional wisdom regarding regulators is that the structure and design of the organization
matters for policy outcomes. Financial regulators conduct rulemaking and enforcement to
implement law and supervise financial institutions. These agencies have been given certain
characteristics that enhance their day-to-day independence from the President or Congress, which
may make policymaking more technical and less “political” or “partisan,” for better or worse.
Independence may also make regulators less accountable to elected officials and can reduce
congressional influence, at least in the short term.."Federal Financial RegulatorsThursday, February 20, 2014
U.S. Farm Income
" According to USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS), national net farm income—a key indicator of U.S. farm well-being—is forecast at a record $131 billion in 2013, up 15% from last year, and about $13 billion above 2011’s previous record.
In addition to record net farm income, farm wealth is also at record levels. Farm asset values— which reflect farm investors’ and lenders’ expectations about long-term profitability of farm sector investments—are expected to rise nearly 7% in 2013 to a record $3,008 billion for a fifth consecutive year of gains..."
Farm IncomeWednesday, February 19, 2014
Approaches to Reducing Federal Spending on Military Health Care
"In 2012, the Department of Defense (DoD) spent $52 billion on health care for service members, retirees, and their families. The department offers health care to nearly 10 million people through its TRICARE program, an integrated system of military health care providers and regional networks of civilian providers. Established in 1993, TRICARE now consists of three major plans: TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Standard, and TRICARE Extra..".
Military Healthcare
Military Healthcare
Debt Limit since 2011
"Total federal debt can increase in two ways. First, through debt increases when the government
sells debt to the public to finance budget deficits and acquire the financial resources needed to
meet its obligations. This increases debt held by the public . Second, through debt increases when
the federal government issues debt to certain government accounts, such as the Social Security,
Medicare, and Transportation trust funds, in exchange for their reported surpluses. This increases
debt held by government accounts. The sum of debt held by the public and debt held by government accounts is the total federal debt..."
Debt limitPreliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report, January-June 2013
"Preliminary figures indicate that, as a whole, law enforcement agencies
throughout the nation reported a decrease of 5.4 percent in the number
of violent crimes brought to their attention for the first 6 months of
2013 when compared with figures reported for the same time in 2012. The
violent crime category includes murder, forcible rape, robbery, and
aggravated assault. The number of property crimes in the United States
from January to June of 2013 decreased 5.4 percent when compared with
data for the same time period in 2012. Property crimes include burglary,
larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft..."
Crime Statisics- Jan. - June 2013
Crime Statisics- Jan. - June 2013
The Slow Recovery of the Labor Market
"The deep recession that began in December 2007, when the economy began to contract, and ended in June 2009, when the economy began to expand again, has had a lasting effect on the labor market. More than four and a half years after the end of the recession, employment has risen sluggishly—much more slowly than it grew, on average,during the four previous recoveries that lasted more than one year..."
Labor Maket Recovery
Labor Maket Recovery
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
FTC, FBI Warn Consumers About ‘Cryptolocker,’ A New Breed of Computer Malware
"The Federal Trade Commission, the FBI and other federal agencies are
warning consumers and businesses about “Cryptolocker,” a malware program
that holds the files on your computer for ransom, and doesn’t allow you
to access them until you pay up. Even then, there’s no guarantee. It’s
essentially extortion, with all your personal documents, photos, and
files at risk..."
The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income
"Increasing the minimum wage would have two principal effects on low-wage workers. Most of them would receive higher pay that would increase their family’s income, and some of those families would see their income rise above the federal poverty threshold. But some jobs for low-wage workers would probably be eliminated, the income of most workers who became jobless would fall substantially, and the share of low-wage workers who were employed would probably fall slightly..."
Minimum wage
Minimum wage
Unemployment insurance:program and benefits
"Several types of benefits may be available to unemployed workers to provide them with income
Unemployment insurance
support during a spell of unemployment. The federal-state Unemployment Compensation (UC)
program may provide income support through the payment of UC benefits for up to a maximum
of 26 weeks in most states. Prior to its expiration on December 28, 2013 (December 29, 2013, in
New York state), the temporary Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC08) program
provided additional unemployment benefits of up to 47 weeks, also depending on state economic
conditions..." Unemployment insurance
CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress The Corporate Income Tax System: Overview and Options for Reform
"Many economists and policymakers believe that the U.S. corporate tax system is in need of
reform. There is, however, disagreement over why the corporate tax system needs to be reformed,
and what specific policy measures should be included in a reform. To assist policymakers in
designing and evaluating corporate tax proposals, this report (1) briefly reviews the current U.S.
corporate tax system; (2) discusses economic factors that may be considered in the corporate tax
reform debate; and (3) presents corporate tax reform policy options, including a brief discussion
of current corporate tax reform proposals.."Corporate income taxThursday, February 13, 2014
Online Dating Scams
"Millions of Americans use dating sites, social networking sites, and
chat rooms to meet people. And many forge successful relationships. But
scammers also use these sites to meet potential victims. They create
fake profiles to build online relationships, and eventually convince
people to send money in the name of love. Some even make wedding plans
before disappearing with the money..."
Online dating scams
Online dating scams
Uncovering History’s Black Women Inventors
"Black women throughout American history have impacted and contributed to
our nation’s culture of innovation. Patents offer a unique lens through
which to view history. By tracing the technologies patents protect—or
once protected—as well as the inventors listed on those patents, an
image of the past emerges. The United States Patent and Trademark Office
has granted patents for more than 200 years. That’s a lot of history,
and it contains many stories of successful black women who have changed
the technological face of America. Today, black women continue to ignite
the spark of genius and make key and meaningful contributions to
America’s inventive process.>>"
Black women inventors
Black women inventors
Ban on Commercial Trade of Ivory as Part of Overall Effort to Combat Poaching, Wildlife Trafficking
"Following today’s[2/11/14] release of the Obama Administration’s National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (The Service) will implement a U.S. ban on commercial trade of elephant ivory. This unprecedented action is in response to the escalating and highly organized wildlife trafficking crime that threatens the survival of the African elephant, rhinoceros and a host of other species around the world..."
Ivory trade ban
Fake funeral notice can be deadly — for your computer
"Scam artists are forever trying to trick people into clicking on links that will download malware
to their computers. But the latest scam takes the tricks to a new low.
Scammers are sending bogus emails with the subject line "funeral
notification." The message appears to be from a legitimate funeral home,
offers condolences, and invites you to click on a link for more
information about the upcoming "celebration of your friend’s life
service." But instead of sending you to the funeral home's website, the
link sends you to a foreign domain where the scammers download malware to your computer...
"Fake funeral notice
"Fake funeral notice
Monday, February 10, 2014
Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units
"With locations at leading academic medical centers across the country, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs) draw upon and bring together a unique combined expertise of pediatric and occupational environmental medicine in order to improve environmental health for children by:
- educating health professionals and others about environmental health risks children face
- consulting with pediatric health care providers on how best to address known or suspected exposures to toxic hazards in the environment, and
- responding with environmental health guidance, during natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires that impact children..."
President Obama's State of the Union Address.
Find the full text and graphics of President Barack Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address.
State of the Union Address:2014
State of the Union Address:2014
New Online GI Bill Comparison Tool
"The Department of Veterans Affairs launched today an online GI Bill® Comparison Tool to make it easier for Veterans, Servicemembers and dependents to calculate their Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits and learn more about VA’s approvedcolleges, universities and other education and training programs across the country..:.
Use of Coal Ash in Concrete and Wallboard Appropriate
"Using a newly developed methodology, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released its evaluation of the two largest beneficial uses of encapsulated coal combustion residuals (CCR or coal ash): use in concrete as a substitute for portland cement, and the use of flue gas desulfurization gypsum as a substitute for mined gypsum in wallboard. EPA’s evaluation concluded that the beneficial use of encapsulated CCRs in concrete and wallboard is appropriate because they are comparable to virgin materials or below the agency’s health and environmental benchmarks..."Coal Ash
FAA hiring Air Traffic Controllers; Virtual Career Fair this Wednesday, February 12
"Today could be the day your dreams take flight. For the next two weeks, the Federal Aviation Administration is accepting applications for new Air Traffic Controllers for positions across the United States..."
FAA - air traffic controllers
FAA - air traffic controllers
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
"Did you know that in a recent national survey, 1 in 10 teens reported
being hit or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend at
least once in the 12 months prior to the survey? And nearly half of all
teens in relationships say they know friends who have been verbally
Dating Violence
Dating Violence
Protect Babies from Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
"Whooping cough is very contagious and most severe for babies. People
with whooping cough usually spread the disease by coughing or sneezing
while in close contact with others, who then breathe in the bacteria
that cause the disease. Many babies who get whooping cough are infected
by parents, older siblings, or other caregivers who might not even know
they have the disease.."
Whooping cough-(Pertussis)
Whooping cough-(Pertussis)
Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: From Galileo to Sagan and Beyond
"Like our ancestors, we look up at the heavens and wonder. What is the
structure of the universe? How significant are we? Are we alone? In
Carl Sagan’s words, “we are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” To
commemorate the acquisition of The Seth MacFarlane Collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive,
the Library of Congress presents an exploration of these questions
across the breadth of its collections and offers a first glimpse into
Carl Sagan’s papers..."
Friday, February 7, 2014
The truth about Echinacea: Plant commonly used for colds and flu suffers from disappearing habitat
"Widely believed to ward off and treat colds and flu, Echinacea appears in many over-the-counter remedies sold in pharmacies and in health and nutrition stores.
What is Echinacea, and why is it being feted in 2014?.."
What is Echinacea, and why is it being feted in 2014?.."
Constitutional Analysis of Suspicionless Drug Testing Requirements for the Receipt of Governmental Benefits
"Federal or state laws that condition the initial or ongoing receipt of governmental benefits on
Suspicionless drug testing
passing drug tests without regard to individualized suspicion of illicit drug use may be subject to
constitutional challenge. To date, two state laws requiring suspicionless drug tests as a condition
to receiving governmental benefits have sparked litigation, and neither case has been fully
litigated on the merits..." Suspicionless drug testing
Post-Employment, “Revolving Door,” Laws for Federal Personnel
"Federal personnel may be subject to certain conflict of interest restrictions on private employment
activities even after they leave service for the United States government. These restrictions—
applicable when one enters private employment after having left federal government service—are
often referred to as “revolving door” laws. For the most part, other than the narrow restrictions
specific to procurement officials or bank examiners, these laws restrict only certain
representational types of activities for private employers, such as lobbying or advocacy directed
to, and which attempt to influence, current federal officials..."
Revolving door employmentThe Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): Background, Legislation, and Policy Issues
"The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA; 5 U.S.C. §552) allows any person—individual or
Freedom of Information Act
corporate, citizen or not—to request and obtain, without explanation or justification, existing,
identifiable, and unpublished agency records on any topic. Pursuant to FOIA, the public has
presumptive access to agency records unless the material falls within any of FOIA’s nine
categories of exception. Disputes over the release of records requested pursuant to FOIA can be
appealed administratively, resolved through mediation, or heard in court.." Freedom of Information Act
Thursday, February 6, 2014
STEM Education: Preparing Students to Succeed
Highlights the U.S. Department of Energy's efforts in supporting STEM(science, technology, engineering, and math) education activities.
Women and Heart Health Awareness
"Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as a "man's disease,"
around the same number of women and men die each year of heart disease
in the United States. Despite increases in awareness over the past
decade, only 56 percent of women recognize that heart disease is their No. 1 killer. That's why it's important to know the signs and symptoms and how to lower your risk for heart disease..."
Women's heart health
Women's heart health
Foodborne Disease Outbreaks
"Every year, about 48 million of us, roughly one in six people in the
United States, get sick from eating contaminated food—it could be you,
your spouse, your kids, your parents, or other loved ones. While most
foodborne illnesses are not part of a recognized outbreak, outbreaks
provide important information on how germs spread, which foods cause
illness, and, how to prevent infection..."
Foodborne outbreaks
Foodborne outbreaks
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
"National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
was started 14 years ago to focus attention on HIV in blacks and
African Americans,* the racial/ethnic group most affected by HIV in the
United States.
Blacks make up only 12% of the U.S. population but had nearly half (44%) of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010. Half of new HIV infections in blacks were in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men,** of whom younger gay and bisexual men (aged 13 to 24) were most affected. These young men, in fact, made up more new infections than any other age group of men or women, regardless of their race/ethnicity..."
Black HIVAIDS Awareness
Blacks make up only 12% of the U.S. population but had nearly half (44%) of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010. Half of new HIV infections in blacks were in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men,** of whom younger gay and bisexual men (aged 13 to 24) were most affected. These young men, in fact, made up more new infections than any other age group of men or women, regardless of their race/ethnicity..."
Black HIVAIDS Awareness
The United States as a Net Debtor Nation: Overview of the International Investment Position
"The international investment position of the United States is an annual measure of the assets
Debtor nation
Americans own abroad and the assets foreigners own in the United States. The net position, or the
difference between the two, sometimes is referred to as a measure of U.S. international
indebtedness.."Debtor nation
Child Passenger Safety
"Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children in
the US. Buckling up is the best way to save lives and reduce injuries.
Child passenger restraint laws result in more children being buckled up. Only 2 out of every 100 children live in states that require car seat or booster seat use for children age 8 and under..."
Child passenger safety
Child passenger restraint laws result in more children being buckled up. Only 2 out of every 100 children live in states that require car seat or booster seat use for children age 8 and under..."
Child passenger safety
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014-2024
"As it does regularly, CBO has prepared baseline projections of what federal spending, revenues, and deficits would look like over the next 10 years if current laws governing federal taxes and spending generally remained unchanged.."
Budget and Economic Outlook
Budget and Economic Outlook
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Poverty Guidelines: 2014
Find the current edition of the annual poverty guidelines as published in the Federal Register.
Poverty guidelines
Poverty guidelines
Viral Hepatitis Surveillance United States, 2011
"Data in this report should be interpreted with the consideration that reported
cases of acute or chronic viral hepatitis represent only those relatively few infected persons who were detected, diagnosed , met a stringent case definition, and eventually reported to CDC in 2011. Because most acute and chronic infections are not reported, this Summary is mainly useful in detecting major trends in viral hepatitis A (HAV), B (HBV) and C (HCV)..."
Viral HepatitisEducational Attainment in the United States:2013
Find the latest data on educational attainment of the population age 18 and over by age, sex, race, and Hispanic Origin.
Educational attainment
Educational attainment
Monday, February 3, 2014
Federal Employees’ Retirement System: Benefits and Financing
"Most civilian federal employees who were hired before 1984 are covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). Federal employees hired in 1984 or later are covered by the Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS). Both CSRS and FERS require participants to contribute toward the cost of their pensions through a payroll tax..."
Federal employee retirement
Federal employee retirement
Computer and Internet Use: 2012
Here you can find graphic and detailed tables on computer and internet use in the United States.
Computer Use
Computer Use
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