"The Congress has mandated that the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) produce an annual Condition of Education report to help inform policymakers about the progress of education in the United States. This year’s report presents 42 indicators on important topics and trends in U.S. education. These indicators focus on population characteristics, participation in education, elementary and secondary education, and postsecondary education. This year’s Condition shows that about 90 percent of young adults ages 25 to 29 had a high school diploma or its equivalent in 2013, and that 34 percent had a bachelor’s or higher degree..."
Condition Education
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Preteen vaccines
"While your preteens and teens are thinking about all the fun things
they'll be doing this summer, you're probably thinking about keeping
them healthy and safe. When you're planning trips to get new swimsuits
and sunscreen, make an appointment for vaccinations before the
back-to-school rush begins at the doctor's office. Vaccines can help our
kids stay healthy, and most states require certain vaccinations before
school starts again in the fall..."
Preteen vaccines
Preteen vaccines
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Ten Things to Know about Valley Fever
"Valley fever is a fungal respiratory disease that can be
devastating. Learning about valley fever can help you and your doctor
recognize the symptoms early.
Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides. People can get valley fever by breathing in the microscopic fungal spores from the air, although most people who breathe in the spores don’t get sick.
The disease can be difficult to diagnose, especially if you are unaware of it..."
Valley fever
Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides. People can get valley fever by breathing in the microscopic fungal spores from the air, although most people who breathe in the spores don’t get sick.
The disease can be difficult to diagnose, especially if you are unaware of it..."
Valley fever
Americans Are Walking More to Improve Their Health
"Improve your health by increasing your physical activity. Start with walking more as part of your daily routine.
Most everyone knows that physical activity is important for good health, but not enough actually do it. Obstacles abound, not the least of which is limited time. Fitting regular physical activity into your daily schedule may seem difficult at first, but the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans are more flexible than ever, giving you the freedom to reach your physical activity goals through different kinds of activities. It's easier than you think!.."
Walking counts
Most everyone knows that physical activity is important for good health, but not enough actually do it. Obstacles abound, not the least of which is limited time. Fitting regular physical activity into your daily schedule may seem difficult at first, but the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans are more flexible than ever, giving you the freedom to reach your physical activity goals through different kinds of activities. It's easier than you think!.."
Walking counts
Real Personal Income for States and Metropolitan Areas: 2008-2012
"Real personal income across all regions rose by an average of 2.3% in
2012. This growth rate reflects the year-over-year change in nominal
personal income across all regions adjusted by the change in the
national PCE price index. On a nominal basis, personal income across all
regions grew an average of 4.2% in 2012. In 2012, the U.S. PCE price
index grew 1.8%.
Growth in real state personal income from 2011 to 2012 ranged from a decline of 1.2% in South Dakota to an increase of 15.1% in North Dakota. These growth rates reflect the year-over-year change in the state’s nominal personal income, the change in the national PCE price index, and the change in the regional price parity for that state. After North Dakota, the states with the largest growth rates were Montana (3.7%), Indiana (3.7%), California (3.4%), and Mississippi (3.4%). South Dakota was the only state with a decline in real personal income..." Real personal income
Growth in real state personal income from 2011 to 2012 ranged from a decline of 1.2% in South Dakota to an increase of 15.1% in North Dakota. These growth rates reflect the year-over-year change in the state’s nominal personal income, the change in the national PCE price index, and the change in the regional price parity for that state. After North Dakota, the states with the largest growth rates were Montana (3.7%), Indiana (3.7%), California (3.4%), and Mississippi (3.4%). South Dakota was the only state with a decline in real personal income..." Real personal income
Friday, May 23, 2014
Women in the Labor Force: a Databook, 2014
"This report presents historical and recent labor force and earnings data for women and men from the Current Population Survey (CPS), a national monthly survey of approximately 60,000 households conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unless otherwise noted, data are annual averages from the CPS.."
Women and Labor force
Women and Labor force
Thursday, May 22, 2014
South, West Have Fastest-Growing Cities, Census Bureau Reports; Three of Top 10 are in Texas Capital Area
"Austin has been the capital of Texas since 1839, and in 2013 the area
became the nation's capital for population growth, according to U.S.
Census Bureau estimates released today. San Marcos, Cedar Park and
Georgetown — each near Austin — ranked among the 10 fastest-growing
cities with populations of 50,000 or more during the year ending July 1,
2013. San Marcos was number one in percent growth for the second
consecutive year, with Austin itself gaining more people (nearly 21,000)
than any city with fewer than 1 million residents.
The South and West dominated the list of fastest-growing municipalities between 2012 and 2013, claiming all of the top 15, seven of which were in Texas. Frisco and McKinney (near Dallas), Odessa (in West Texas) and Pearland (near Houston) were the other Texas cities on the list. (See Table 1 for complete list.).."
Cities- population growth
The South and West dominated the list of fastest-growing municipalities between 2012 and 2013, claiming all of the top 15, seven of which were in Texas. Frisco and McKinney (near Dallas), Odessa (in West Texas) and Pearland (near Houston) were the other Texas cities on the list. (See Table 1 for complete list.).."
Cities- population growth
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Why Are Gasoline Prices Higher in Some Regions Than in Others?
"Although price levels vary over time, average retail gasoline prices
are often highest in certain States or regions. Besides taxes, there
are other factors that contribute to regional and even local differences
in gasoline prices:
Retail gasoline prices tend to be higher the farther it is
sold from the source of supply: ports, refineries, and pipeline and
blending terminals. About 60% of the crude oil processed by U.S.
refineries in 2011 was imported, with most transported by ocean
tankers. The U.S. Gulf Coast was the source of about 23% of the gasoline
produced in the United States in 2011 and the starting point for most
major gasoline pipelines, so those States farther from the refineries
will most likely have higher.."
Gas prices
Distance from Supply Usually Means Higher Gas Prices
Gas prices in San Francisco, California, in the summer of 2008,
were the highest they have ever been without adjustment for inflation.
Source: Stock photography (copyrighted)
Gas prices
Lyme Disease: Ten things you always wanted to know about ticks..
"May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month.
To find out how to steer clear of Lyme disease during "picnic season" - a time when people are more likely to pick up ticks - the National Science Foundation spoke with NSF-funded disease ecologist Rick Ostfeld of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, N.Y., and program director Sam Scheiner of NSF's Division of Environmental Biology..."
Lyme disease
To find out how to steer clear of Lyme disease during "picnic season" - a time when people are more likely to pick up ticks - the National Science Foundation spoke with NSF-funded disease ecologist Rick Ostfeld of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, N.Y., and program director Sam Scheiner of NSF's Division of Environmental Biology..."
Lyme disease
dousing the southwest in rain or leaving it bone dry, oscillations in the ocean can have huge effects on the weather.
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May is National Stroke Awareness Month
"Take the time to learn the signs and symptoms of stroke during May, which is National Stroke Awareness Month. A 2005 CDC survey found that only 38% of people could correctly identify all 5 symptoms of stroke and knew to call 9-1-1 if they thought that someone was having a stroke.
The key to recognizing a stroke is knowing the following signs and remembering that they occur suddenly:
Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body.
- Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding speech.
- Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
- Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or lack of coordination.
- Sudden severe headache with no known cause..."
Don’t Let Measles Be Your Travel Souvenir
"Stay safe and healthy when traveling overseas. Measles is very contagious and can cause serious illness, even death. Make sure you and your family are vaccinated for measles before you travel.
Are you traveling overseas? You might not think about measles when you are preparing for your trip, but it is a health risk in many destinations. Make sure you and your family are vaccinated for measles and other disease before you travel. After your trip, you want to bring home fun souvenirs, a camera full of photos, and fantastic memories—NOT measles!.."
Measles and Travel
America's aging autos
"From 2008 to 2012, the average age of U.S. households’ vehicles increased as owners held on to their cars, trucks, and vans longer. The trend in aging autos coincides with declines in average household income in 2008; however, subsequent recovery in households’ incomes and a return to previous levels of
expenditures on vehicles in 2012 do not appear to have reversed the pattern of aging.."
Aging AutomobilesPublic High School Four - Year On - Time Graduation Rates and Event Dropout Rates: School Years 2010 – 11 and 2011 –12
Find data on the 4-year on-time graduation rates that provide measures of the percent of students that successfully complete high school in 4 years with a regular high school diploma.
Public high school graduation
Public high school graduation
Friday, May 16, 2014
Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010
Find information on the latest research on ozone depletion.
Ozone depletion
Ozone depletion
National Wildlife Refuge System
"The National Wildlife Refuge System has more than 20 million acres of designated wilderness. It has 75 wilderness areas – about one-fifth of the designated wilderness acres in the United States -- on 63 refuges in 26 states. About 90 percent of the Refuge System’s wilderness is in Alaska...."
Wildlife refuge
American Latinos and the Making of the United States: A Theme Study
relatively unknown story of Latinos in America is at the heart
of this Theme Study, American Latinos
and the Making
of the United States. Over a year in development, the idea
was launched at
a forum held in La Paz, California on June 16, 2011. Shortly after, the
National Park System Advisory Board constituted the American Latino
Expert Panel. At the invitation of the Secretary of the Interior, Ken
the group of ten academics agreed to dedicate themselves to crafting a
document; one that would help the Department of the Interior and the
Park Service tell the layered story of American
Latinos as an integral
part of the history, culture, and politics of the United States..."
American Latinos
American Latinos
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama (2010, Book II)
Find the official paper of President Barack Obama presidency for the period, July 1, 2010 - Dec. 31, 2010.
Public Papers - Barack Obama
Public Papers - Barack Obama
Heatlh, United States: 2013
Find information on the nation's health with the annual Health, United States report from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics.
Health, United States
Health, United States
Health, United States, 2013 includes special section on prescription drugs
"About half of all Americans reported taking one or more prescription
drugs in the past 30 days during 2007-2010, and 1 in 10 took five or
more, according to Health, United States, 2013, the government’s
annual, comprehensive report on the nation’s health..."
Prescription drugs
Prescription drugs
How Social Security Benefits Are Computed: In Brief
"With $812 billion in benefit outlays in 2013, Social Security is the largest program in the federal
budget. It provides monthly cash benefits to retired and disabled workers and their family members as well as to the family members of deceased workers. Currently, there are about 58 million beneficiaries. Under current law, Social Security’s revenues are projected to be insufficient to pay full scheduled benefits after 2033..."
Social Security benefitsAfghanistan: Drug Trafficking and the 2014 Transition
"Afghanistan is the world’s primary source of opium poppy cultivation and opium and heroin
production, as well as a major global source of cannabis (marijuana) and cannabis resin (hashish).
Drug trafficking, a long-standing feature of Afghanistan’s post-Taliban political economy, is
linked to corruption and insecurity, and provides a source of illicit finance for non-state armed
groups. Based on recent production and trafficking trends, the drug problem in Afghanistan
appears to be worsening—just as the U.S. government finalizes plans for its future relationship
with the government of Afghanistan in 2015 and beyond and reduces its counternarcotics
operational presence in the country to Kabul, the national capital.."Afghanistan & Drug TraffickingFCC Launches Broad Rulemaking to Protect and Promote the Open Internet
"The Federal Communications Commission today launched a rulemaking seeking
public comment on how best to protect and promote an open Internet. The Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking adopted today poses a broad range of questions to elicit the broadest range of input from
everyone impacted by the Internet, from consumers and small businesses to providers and start-ups.
The Internet is America’s most important platform for economic growth, innovation, competition, free expression, and broadband investment and deployment..."
FCC -Open Access
public comment on how best to protect and promote an open Internet. The Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking adopted today poses a broad range of questions to elicit the broadest range of input from
everyone impacted by the Internet, from consumers and small businesses to providers and start-ups.
The Internet is America’s most important platform for economic growth, innovation, competition, free expression, and broadband investment and deployment..."
FCC -Open Access
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Healthy Vision: Make It Last a Lifetime
"Taking care of your eyes can be a priority just like eating healthy and
physical activity. Healthy vision can help keep you safe each day. To
keep your eyes healthy, get a comprehensive dilated eye exam: an eye
care professional will use drops to widen the pupils to check for common
vision problems and eye diseases. It's the best way to find out if you
need glasses or contacts, or are in the early stages of any eye-related
Healthy Vision
Healthy Vision
Modes Less Traveled—Bicycling and Walking to Work in the United States: 2008–2012
"• The number of U.S. workers who traveled to work by bicycle increased from about 488,000
in 2000 to about 786,000 in 2008–2012, a larger percentage increase than that of any other
commuting mode.
• The combined rate of bicycle commuting for the 50 largest U.S. cities increased from 0.6
percent in 2000 to 1.0 percent in 2008–2012..."
in 2000 to about 786,000 in 2008–2012, a larger percentage increase than that of any other
commuting mode.
• The combined rate of bicycle commuting for the 50 largest U.S. cities increased from 0.6
percent in 2000 to 1.0 percent in 2008–2012..."
Monday, May 12, 2014
NOT ALONE The First Report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault
"One in five women is sexually assaulted in college. Most often, it’s by someone she knows
Sexual Assault
and also most often, she does not report what happened. Many survivors are left feeling isolated, ashamed or to blame. Although it happens less often, men, too, are victims of these crimes.
The President created theTask Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault to turn this tide.As the name of our new website–NotAlone.gov– indicates, we are here to tell sexual assault survivors that they are not alone. And we’re a lso here to help schools live up to their obligation to protect students from sexual violence..".
Sexual Assault
Friday, May 9, 2014
Suicide in the Military: Army-NIH Funded Study Points to Risk and Protective Factors
" The largest study of mental health risk and resilience ever conducted
among U.S. military personnel today released its first findings related
to suicide attempts and deaths in a series of three JAMA Psychiatry articles. Findings from The Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS )
include: the rise in suicide deaths from 2004 to 2009 occurred not only
in currently and previously deployed soldiers, but also among soldiers
never deployed; nearly half of soldiers who reported suicide attempts
indicated their first attempt was prior to enlistment; and soldiers
reported higher rates of certain mental disorders than civilians,
including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), intermittent
explosive disorder (recurrent episodes of extreme anger or violence),
and substance use disorder..."
Suicide in military
Suicide in military
Wellness at Work
"Chronic Disease at Work
Chronic diseases such as depression and hypertension can lead to a decline in the overall health of employees in a workplace, contribute to an increase in health-related expenses for employers and employees, and lead to days away from work. Many businesses have realized the benefits of health promotion, and to curb the costs of rising health care they have begun offering wellness programs to their employees. Ideally, the office should be a place that not only protects the safety and well-being of employees but also provides them opportunities for better long-term health..."
Working & Wellness
Chronic diseases such as depression and hypertension can lead to a decline in the overall health of employees in a workplace, contribute to an increase in health-related expenses for employers and employees, and lead to days away from work. Many businesses have realized the benefits of health promotion, and to curb the costs of rising health care they have begun offering wellness programs to their employees. Ideally, the office should be a place that not only protects the safety and well-being of employees but also provides them opportunities for better long-term health..."
Working & Wellness
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Who Bikes to Work in America?
From U.S. Census Bureau's Random Samplings blog (5/8/2014)
"As cities take steps to increase transportation options, many people choose to ride a bike to work or walk. Timed with National Bike to Work Month, the Census Bureau has released its first-ever report on biking and walking to work. If you have ever wondered who chooses this form of commuting, this report highlights annual American Community Survey information on biking and walking but also offers new information about these travel modes for specific populations.
Although changes in rates of bicycle commuting vary across U.S. communities, many cities have experienced relatively large increases in bicycle commuting in recent years. The total number of bike commuters in the U.S. increased from about 488,000 in 2000 to about 786,000 during the period from 2008 to 2012, a larger percentage increase than that of any other commuting mode.."Bikes to work
"As cities take steps to increase transportation options, many people choose to ride a bike to work or walk. Timed with National Bike to Work Month, the Census Bureau has released its first-ever report on biking and walking to work. If you have ever wondered who chooses this form of commuting, this report highlights annual American Community Survey information on biking and walking but also offers new information about these travel modes for specific populations.
Although changes in rates of bicycle commuting vary across U.S. communities, many cities have experienced relatively large increases in bicycle commuting in recent years. The total number of bike commuters in the U.S. increased from about 488,000 in 2000 to about 786,000 during the period from 2008 to 2012, a larger percentage increase than that of any other commuting mode.."Bikes to work
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
National Climate Assessment
View the full reports and related information from the latest National Climate Assessment report.
National Climate Assessment
National Climate Assessment
File a Consumer Complaint with the FTC from Your Mobile Device
"The Federal Trade Commission’s online Complaint Assistant is now easier to use for consumers who want to file a complaint through their mobile device.
When consumers visit the Complaint Assistant from their mobile device, they’ll be presented with a format that is simpler to navigate on a smaller screen and without a keyboard. The changes will happen automatically, without any action required by the consumer..."
FTC - Consumer complaint
When consumers visit the Complaint Assistant from their mobile device, they’ll be presented with a format that is simpler to navigate on a smaller screen and without a keyboard. The changes will happen automatically, without any action required by the consumer..."
FTC - Consumer complaint
Try Walking to Ease Joint Pai
"Despite the known benefits of physical activity to help manage
arthritis, adults with arthritis are less active than adults without
arthritis.1 Walking has been shown to improve arthritis pain, fatigue, function, and quality of life,2 but over 50% of people with arthritis do not walk at all (walk an average of 0 minutes per week).3
Walking is low impact on your joints, can be done almost anywhere and
doesn't require special equipment or a gym membership. Celebrate
Arthritis Awareness Month by starting a walking program today..."
Athritis Awareness
Athritis Awareness
U.S. Population Will Get Older but Remain Younger than Most Developed Countries
From Random Sampling, the U.S. Census Bureau's blog[5/6/2014]:
"Between 2012 and 2050, the share of the world’s population age 65 and over is projected to double from 8 percent in 2012 to 16.7 percent in 2050 (see figure). Although the United States is also projected to age over this period, it will remain one of the youngest developed countries, with 20.9 percent of its population 65 and over in 2050.
In contrast, Japan is projected to continue to be the oldest country of those with a population greater than 50,000, with 40.1 percent age 65 and over in 2050. Other developed countries, including Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland, are expected to have nearly one-third of their populations age 65 and over.."
Aged, Aging.
"Between 2012 and 2050, the share of the world’s population age 65 and over is projected to double from 8 percent in 2012 to 16.7 percent in 2050 (see figure). Although the United States is also projected to age over this period, it will remain one of the youngest developed countries, with 20.9 percent of its population 65 and over in 2050.
In contrast, Japan is projected to continue to be the oldest country of those with a population greater than 50,000, with 40.1 percent age 65 and over in 2050. Other developed countries, including Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland, are expected to have nearly one-third of their populations age 65 and over.."
Aged, Aging.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
ALS-Lou Gehrig’s Disease-Learn More
"Many people know amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as Lou Gehrig's
disease, named after the famous baseball player who retired in 1939
because of it. But far too little is known about what causes this
The National ALS Registry is a ground-breaking step in the fight against ALS. The Registry collects and analyzes data about people with ALS. It gathers data about who has the disease and where it occurs. Researchers can use Registry data to detect disease pattern changes over time and identify whether there are common risk factors among ALS patients who are listed in the Registry. Patients and their families can turn to the Registry for updated links for resources such as ALS clinical trials..."
The National ALS Registry is a ground-breaking step in the fight against ALS. The Registry collects and analyzes data about people with ALS. It gathers data about who has the disease and where it occurs. Researchers can use Registry data to detect disease pattern changes over time and identify whether there are common risk factors among ALS patients who are listed in the Registry. Patients and their families can turn to the Registry for updated links for resources such as ALS clinical trials..."
National High Blood Pressure Education Month
"Reducing high blood pressure can lower your risk for stroke and heart attack.
Less is better in some things, including in blood pressure. About 1 of 3 US adults—67 million people—have high blood pressure.1 High blood pressure makes your heart work too hard and increases your risk of heart disease and stroke..."
High Blood Pressure
Less is better in some things, including in blood pressure. About 1 of 3 US adults—67 million people—have high blood pressure.1 High blood pressure makes your heart work too hard and increases your risk of heart disease and stroke..."
High Blood Pressure
It's Spring – Time to Prevent Lyme Disease
"Before gardening, camping, hiking, or just playing outdoors, make tick bite prevention part of your outdoor plans.
Over 25,000 cases of Lyme disease among Americans will be reported this year. The risk is greatest among those living in or visiting New England, the mid-Atlantic states, and the upper Midwest. A recent national survey found that nearly 20 percent of people in areas where Lyme disease is common were unaware of the danger. Fortunately, there are several tactics you and your family can use to prevent tick bites and reduce your risk of tickborne disease..."
Lyme Disease
Over 25,000 cases of Lyme disease among Americans will be reported this year. The risk is greatest among those living in or visiting New England, the mid-Atlantic states, and the upper Midwest. A recent national survey found that nearly 20 percent of people in areas where Lyme disease is common were unaware of the danger. Fortunately, there are several tactics you and your family can use to prevent tick bites and reduce your risk of tickborne disease..."
Lyme Disease
Potentially Preventable Deaths from the Five Leading Causes of Death, United States, 2008-2010
"Each year, nearly 900,000 Americans die prematurely from the five
leading causes of death – yet 20 percent to 40 percent of the deaths
from each cause could be prevented, according to a study from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The five leading causes of death in the United States are heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, and unintentional injuries. Together they accounted for 63 percent of all U.S. deaths in 2010, with rates for each cause varying greatly from state to state.."
. Preventable deaths
The five leading causes of death in the United States are heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, and unintentional injuries. Together they accounted for 63 percent of all U.S. deaths in 2010, with rates for each cause varying greatly from state to state.."
. Preventable deaths
An Aging Nation: the Older Population in the United States
"This report examines how the age structure of the U.S. population is expected to change over the coming decades and focuses on the older population in terms of age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. The size and structure of the older population is important to public and private interests, both socially and economically..."
Monday, May 5, 2014
Clarity for lake researchers' water quality questions
"Scientists engaged in a study of long-term water quality trends in Midwestern lakes found some good news: little change in water clarity in more than 3,000 lakes.
Look deeper, and the research becomes something more: a chronicle of a new source of data for scientists, data from residents of towns and villages surrounding the lakes..."
2014 National Alzheimer’s Disease Plan
"HHS today[4-29-14] released the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease: 2014 Update, reflecting the nation’s progress toward accomplishing goals set in 2012 and current action steps to achieving them. The 2011 National Alzheimer’s Project Act calls for all Plans to be updated annually; the 2014 Plan follows the initial Plan released in May 2012 and an updated Plan released in June 2013.
The 2014 Plan was developed with input from experts in aging and Alzheimer’s disease from federal, state, private and non-profit organizations, as well as caregivers and people with the disease. The 2014 Plan includes the following five goals: finding ways to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025; enhancing care for Alzheimer’s patients; expanding support for people with dementia and their families; improving public awareness; and carefully tracking data to support these efforts..."
Alzheimer Disease
The 2014 Plan was developed with input from experts in aging and Alzheimer’s disease from federal, state, private and non-profit organizations, as well as caregivers and people with the disease. The 2014 Plan includes the following five goals: finding ways to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025; enhancing care for Alzheimer’s patients; expanding support for people with dementia and their families; improving public awareness; and carefully tracking data to support these efforts..."
Alzheimer Disease
Fuel economy sticker for used cars
''For the past five years, used car sales have been booming. Last year alone, more than 40 million used light-duty vehicles were sold in the U.S. -- that's more than twice as many as new car and light truck sales -- and this year they’re expected to grow further. But until recently, consumers buying these cars had little insight into the vehicle’s gas mileage. Now one of FuelEconomy.gov’s newest tools -- the Used Car Fuel Economy Label -- makes it easier for consumers to compare used cars, select the most fuel-efficient model and save money at the pump.."
Fuel economy and used cars
Fuel economy and used cars
Department _Energy,
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
"On May 2, 2014, the first confirmed case of MERS-CoV was reported in a
traveler to the United States. This is the only confirmed case in the
United States. CDC is working very quickly to investigate this first
U.S. case of MERS and respond to minimize the spread of this virus. We
expect to learn much more in the coming hours and days. We will share
updated information through the CDC MERS website.
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was first reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. It is different from any other coronavirus previously found in people. We don’t know where the virus came from or exactly how it spreads. However, it likely came from an animal source. All reported cases to date have been linked to the Arabian Peninsula..."
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was first reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. It is different from any other coronavirus previously found in people. We don’t know where the virus came from or exactly how it spreads. However, it likely came from an animal source. All reported cases to date have been linked to the Arabian Peninsula..."
May 5: Hand Hygiene Day
"Hand hygiene is a simple thing and it's the best way to prevent infection and illness.
Clean hands prevent infections. Keeping hands clean prevents illness at home, at school, and at work. Hand hygiene practices are key prevention measures in healthcare settings, in daycare facilities, in schools and public institutions, and for the safety of our food.
In healthcare settings, hand hygiene can prevent potentially fatal infections from spreading from patient to patient and from patient to healthcare worker and vice-versa..."
Hand Hygiene
Clean hands prevent infections. Keeping hands clean prevents illness at home, at school, and at work. Hand hygiene practices are key prevention measures in healthcare settings, in daycare facilities, in schools and public institutions, and for the safety of our food.
In healthcare settings, hand hygiene can prevent potentially fatal infections from spreading from patient to patient and from patient to healthcare worker and vice-versa..."
Hand Hygiene
Food Safety Data: 2013
"The nation’s food safety grades are out and the results are mixed. Today’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
includes CDC’s annual food safety report card, which shows that
foodborne infections continue to be an important public health problem
in the United States (US). The Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance
Network, or FoodNet, tracks nine infections transmitted commonly through
food. For 2013, FoodNet identified just over 19,000 infections, 4,200
hospitalizations, and 80 deaths among 48 million residents of 10
states, or about 15% of the total US population..."
Food safety
Food safety
Saturday, May 3, 2014
EPA's Coordinated Approach on Asthma
"EPA promotes scientific understanding of environmental asthma triggers
and ways to manage asthma in community settings through research,
education and outreach. With federal, state and local partners, we are
building the nation's capacity to control asthma and manage exposure to
indoor and outdoor pollutants linked to asthma. Our purpose is to build
knowledge and awareness to improve the quality of life for millions of
Americans with asthma..."
EPA and asthma
EPA and asthma
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