"Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
released a study showing that blood mercury levels in women of
childbearing age dropped 34 percent from a survey conducted in 1999-2000
to follow-up surveys conducted from 2001 to 2010. Additionally, the
percentage of women of childbearing age with blood mercury levels above
the level of concern decreased 65 percent from the 1999-2000 survey and
the follow-up surveys from 2001-2010..."
Saturday, November 30, 2013
National Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week, Jan. 13-17, 2014
"The Federal Trade Commission has named Jan. 13-17, 2014, Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week.
The FTC will host national and regional events designed to raise
awareness about tax identity theft and provide consumers with tips on
how to protect themselves, and what to do if they become victims..."
Tax identiy theft
Tax identiy theft
U.S. Ethanol Market Remains Unconcentrated
"The market for fuel ethanol in the United States is unconcentrated,
with 156 firms nationwide either producing ethanol or likely to begin
producing ethanol in the next 12 to 18 months, according to the Federal
Trade Commission’s 2013 Report on the State of U.S. Ethanol Production. The lack of market concentration in this industry has been the case each year since the FTC began issuing reports in 2005..."
Ethanol industry
Ethanol industry
Where to insulate in a home
"For optimal energy efficiency, your home should be properly insulated
from the roof down to its foundation. In addition to insulation,
consider moisture and air leakage control in each area of your house. If radon is an issue where you live, you’ll also need to consider radon and radon-resistant construction
techniques as you research foundation insulation options. In addition,
if you live in an area with termites, you’ll have to consider how
termite protection will affect the choice and placement of insulation in
your home..."
Insulate home
Insulate home
Unemployment Insurance: Programs and Benefits
"Various benefits may be available to unemployed workers to provide income support. When
eligible workers lose their jobs, the Unemployment Compensation (UC) program may provide up
to 26 weeks of income support through the payment of regular UC benefits. Unemployment
benefits may be extended for up to 47 weeks by the temporarily authorized Emergency
Unemployment Compensation (EUC08) program. Unemployment benefits may be extended for
up to a further 13 or 20 weeks by the permanent Extended Benefit (EB) program under certain
state economic conditions..."
Unemployment insurancePay Equity: Legislative and Legal Developments
"The term “pay gap” refers to the difference in earnings between male and female workers. While
the pay gap has narrowed since the 1960s, female workers with a strong attachment to the labor
force earn about 77 to 81 cents for every dollar earned by similar male workers. Studies have
analyzed the earnings and characteristics of male and female workers and found that a substantial
portion of the pay gap is attributable to non-gender factors such as occupation and employment
tenure..." Pay equity Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Wisconsin Driving Conditions
Now that the winter driving season is here, one might want to contact the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation's Wisconsin 511 Driving Conditions site for the most recent driving conditions information.
Driving conditions
Driving conditions
Wisconsin No Call List
For those wishing to add their telephone number to the Wisconsin no call list, the deadline for being added to the list effective on January 1, 2014 is December 1, 2013.
Wisconsin no call
Wisconsin no call
World AIDS Day
"On December 1, people throughout the world observe World AIDS Day. The
theme—"Shared Responsibility: Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free
Generation"—highlights the global commitment needed to achieve that
World Aids Day
World Aids Day
Epilepsy Often Comes With Other Health Issues
"Epilepsy affects about 2 million adults in the United States. New
research from CDC shows that adults with epilepsy often have other
health conditions that also need to be managed.
Some of the health conditions that are more common in adults with epilepsy include high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, obesity, and history of stroke. Asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, migraine, arthritis and other pain are also more common in adults with epilepsy..."Epilepsy
Some of the health conditions that are more common in adults with epilepsy include high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, obesity, and history of stroke. Asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, migraine, arthritis and other pain are also more common in adults with epilepsy..."Epilepsy
HPV Vaccine is Recommended for Boys
"Why do I need to protect my son against HPV-related diseases?
A lot of parents know that HPV vaccine protects girls against cervical cancer. But did you know that vaccinating boys can protect them against cancer, too?.."
HPV Vaccine Boys
A lot of parents know that HPV vaccine protects girls against cervical cancer. But did you know that vaccinating boys can protect them against cancer, too?.."
HPV Vaccine Boys
Be Prepared to Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter
"Although winter comes as no surprise, many of us are not ready for
its arrival. If you are prepared for the hazards of winter, you will be
more likely to stay safe and healthy when temperatures start to fall.
Many people prefer to remain indoors in the winter, but staying inside is no guarantee of safety. Take these steps to keep your home safe and warm during the winter months..."
Winter Weather
Many people prefer to remain indoors in the winter, but staying inside is no guarantee of safety. Take these steps to keep your home safe and warm during the winter months..."
Winter Weather
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Where Do You Want to Dwell?
"The Census Bureau’s new mobile app, dwellr, provides those on the
go with immediate, personalized access to the latest demographic,
socio-economic and housing statistics from the American Community Survey
for neighborhoods across the nation. Using the level of importance you
place on a location’s characteristics, the app generates a list of top
25 towns or cities most suitable for you..."
Health Disparities and Inequalities Report — US, 2013
"The factors that influence the socioeconomic position of individuals and groups within industrial societies also influence their health. Socioeconomic position has continuous and graded effects on health that are cumulative over a lifetime.
The socioeconomic conditions of the places where persons live and work have an even more substantial influence on health than personal socioeconomic position.."
Health disparitiesFriday, November 22, 2013
Managing your diabetes during holidays
"Preparation is the most important step in managing diabetes during
holiday travel and festivities. Know what you'll be eating, how to enjoy
a few traditional favorites while sticking with a healthy meal plan,
and how to pack necessary supplies for a trip, and you're ready to
Feasts and Parties
Before you go, take these steps to ensure you stick to your healthy meal plan.- Eat a healthy snack early to avoid overeating at the party.
- Ask what food will be served, so you can see how it fits into your meal plan.
- Bring a nutritious snack or dish for yourself and others
- Diabetes Managementi
Trends in Health Care Cost Growth and the Role of the Affordable Health Care Act
"The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed against a backdrop of decades of rapid growth in health care spending in the United States. While much of this historical increase reflects the development of new treatments that have greatly improved health and well-being (Cutler 2004), there is widespread agreement that the system suffered from serious inefficiencies that increased costs and reduced the quality of care that patients receive. A key goal of the ACA was to begin wringing these inefficiencies out of the health care system, simultaneously reducing the growth of health care spending and its burden on families, employers, and state and federal budgets–while increasing the quality of the care delivered.
This report analyzes recent trends in health care costs, the forces driving those trends, and their likely economic benefits..."
Health cost report
This report analyzes recent trends in health care costs, the forces driving those trends, and their likely economic benefits..."
Health cost report
Infographic Profiles Young Adults Without Health Insurance
"In 2012, 27 percent of young adults (ages 19 to 34) lacked health
insurance, although the rate varied widely from state to state,
according to a new Census Bureau infographic, "The Young and Uninsured
in 2012." The infographic looks at the characteristics of this group and
their uninsured rate in states and the largest metropolitan areas..."
Uninsured youth
Uninsured youth
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Dangers of Hookah Smoking
"Hookahs are water pipes that are used to smoke specially made tobacco
this is usually flavored. They are also called a number of different
names, including waterpipe, narghile, argileh, shisha, hubble-bubble,
and goza. Hookah smoking is typically practiced in groups, with the same
mouthpiece passed from person to person..."
Hookah smoking
Hookah smoking
Antibiotics Aren't Always the Answer
"Colds and many other upper respiratory infections, as well as some ear
infections, are caused by viruses, not bacteria. If antibiotics are used
too often for things they can't treat—like colds or other viral
infections—they can stop working effectively against bacteria when you
or your child really needs them. Antibiotic resistance—when antibiotics
can no longer cure bacterial infections—has been a concern for years and
is considered one of the world's most critical public health threats..."
Lead Hazards in Some Holiday Toys
"The holiday season is here, and that means many children will be given
toys as gifts. While new toys are a holiday tradition, parents should be
aware of potential lead hazards associated with toys, including toy
jewelry. Review these important facts to keep your children safe this
holiday season..."
Lead InToys
Lead InToys
Polio free US
"Thanks to effective vaccine, the United States has been polio-free since
1979. But poliovirus is still a threat in some countries. Be part of
the success story and get your child vaccinated on schedule..."
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
New guidance limits antibiotics for common infections in children
"Every year as many as 10 million U.S. children risk side effects
from antibiotic prescriptions that are unlikely to help their upper
respiratory conditions. Many of these infections are caused by viruses,
which are not helped by antibiotics.
This overuse of antibiotics, a significant factor fueling antibiotic resistance, is the focus of a new report Principles of Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing for Bacterial Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Pediatrics
by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)..." antibiotics guidelines
This overuse of antibiotics, a significant factor fueling antibiotic resistance, is the focus of a new report Principles of Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing for Bacterial Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Pediatrics
Poverty in the United States: 2012
"In 2012, 46.5 million people were counted as poor in the United States—the number, statistically unchanged over the past three years, is the largest recorded in the measure’s 54-year history. The poverty rate , or percent of the population considered poor under the official definition, was reported at 15.0% in 2012, a level statistically unchanged from the two previous years. The 2012 poverty rate of 15.0% is well above its most recent pre-recession low of 12.3% (2006) and
remains at a level not last seen since 1993.."Poverty
remains at a level not last seen since 1993.."Poverty
Federal Debt and the Statutory Limit, November 2013
"The debt limit—commonly referred to as the debt ceiling—is the maximum amount of debt that the Department of the Treasury can issue to the public and to other federal agencies. That amount is set by law and has been increased over the years in order to finance the government’s operations..."
Federal Debt
Federal Debt
Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2011
"This report focuses on the child support income that custodial parents reported receiving from noncustodial parents living elsewhere, and other types of support,
such as health insurance and noncash assistance..."
Custodial mothers and fathers
such as health insurance and noncash assistance..."
Custodial mothers and fathers
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Warren Commission Report Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Access the Warren Commission report from the U.S. Government Printing Office's FDsys database.
Warren Commission Report
Warren Commission Report
Navigating the Market: A comparison of spending on financial education and financial marketing Navigating the Market
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (the CFPB) looked at the information
Navigating the market
sources consumers are exposed to when they make financial decisions. Empowering
consumers to make the financial decisions that will help them meet their own life goals is a
critical part of the mission of the CFPB. To understand the wide range of information sources
consumers could be exposed to in making financial decisions, the CFPB commissioned a study
of the size and scope of the financial information field..."
Navigating the market
Monday, November 18, 2013
About 36 Million Americans Moved in the Last Year,
"The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 35.9 million U.S. residents, or 11.7 percent of all Americans, moved between 2012 and 2013.
The nation's mover rate is down from 12.0 percent in 2012. The decline in the nation's overall mover rate follows an uptick from the record low of 11.6 percent in 2011. That leaves the 2013 mover rate not statistically different from the 2011 rate. The number of people who moved in the past year was not statistically different from the corresponding 2012 number (36.5 million).
This information comes from Geographical Mobility: 2012 to 2013 [PDF], a collection of national- and regional-level tables from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey..." Geographic mobility
The nation's mover rate is down from 12.0 percent in 2012. The decline in the nation's overall mover rate follows an uptick from the record low of 11.6 percent in 2011. That leaves the 2013 mover rate not statistically different from the 2011 rate. The number of people who moved in the past year was not statistically different from the corresponding 2012 number (36.5 million).
This information comes from Geographical Mobility: 2012 to 2013 [PDF], a collection of national- and regional-level tables from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey..." Geographic mobility
Invasive Species: Major Laws and the Role of Selected Federal Agencies
"All 50 states and the U.S. territories have at least some invasive plants and animals. A few (e.g., Hawaii, Florida, Louisiana, the Great Lakes states, and California) have so many harmful non- natives as to cause major ecological and economic damage to a variety of locations and industries.
This report provides an overview of the federal laws and directives in the United States that govern invasive species, and the role of selected federal agencies. A summary of selected laws and agencies is provided in Appendix A . The patchwork of laws that currently govern invasive species in the United States also contribute to fundamentally different approaches to regulate invasive species, which is beyond the scope of this report..."
Invasive species
This report provides an overview of the federal laws and directives in the United States that govern invasive species, and the role of selected federal agencies. A summary of selected laws and agencies is provided in Appendix A . The patchwork of laws that currently govern invasive species in the United States also contribute to fundamentally different approaches to regulate invasive species, which is beyond the scope of this report..."
Invasive species
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Estimating Appliance and Home Electronic Energy Use.
Find formulas for estimating various home appliance and electronics energy use.
Appliance and Electronic Energy use
Appliance and Electronic Energy use
Department _Energy,
Written testimony of FEMA Office of Response and Recovery... “Progress Report: Hurricane Sandy Recovery – One Year Later”
Written testimony of FEMA Office of
Response and Recovery Deputy Associate Administrator Elizabeth Zimmerman
for a House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Transportation and Infrastructure hearing. dated November 14, 2013.
Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy
Home Value and Homeownership Rates: Recession and Post-Recession Comparisons From 2007–2009 to 2010–2012
"This report examines the differences in the median home value and homeownership rate across different geographies during and after the recession of 2007 through 2009. The data used in this report are from a 3-year period roughly encompassing part of the 2007–2009 recession and the 3 years following the recent recession (2010 through 2012) collected in the American Community Survey (ACS).."
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2014 to 2023
"This volume presents 103 options that would decrease federal spending or increase federal revenues over the next decade (see Table 1-1 on page 5). Those options cover many areas—ranging from defense to energy, Social Security, and provisions of the tax code. The budgetary effects identified for most of the options span the 10 years from 2014 to 2023 (the period covered by CBO’s May 2013
baseline budget projections), although many of the options would have longer-term effects as well.."
Reducing DeficitReported Tuberculosis in the United States: 2012
"Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2012 presents summary data for tuberculosis (TB) cases verified and counted in 2012..."
Sovereign Debt in Advanced Economies
"Sovereign debt, also called public debt or government debt, refers to debt incurred by governments. Since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, public debt in advanced economies has increased substantially. A number of factors related to the financial crisis have fueled the increase, including fiscal stimulus packages, the nationalization of private-sector debt, and lower tax revenue..."
Sovereign debt
Sovereign debt
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The mix of fuels used for electricity generation in the United States is changing
"The mix of fuels used to generate the electricity in homes, factories,
and businesses across the United States has changed in the past few
years as coal, still the largest single fuel used for electricity, has
lost some of its share of the generation market to natural gas and
non-hydroelectric renewables..."
Fuels for electricity
Fuels for electricity
Monday, November 11, 2013
Sexual Assault in the Military
"On behalf of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and pursuant to Public
Law 103-419, I am pleased to transmit our 2013 Statutory Enforcement
Report, Sexual Assault in the Military. The report is also available, in full, on
the Commission’s website. The purpose of the report is to examine how the Department of Defense and its Armed Services — the Army, Navy, Marine
Corps, and Air Force — respond to Service members who report having been sexually assaulted and how they investigate and discipline Service members accused of perpetrating sexual assault.."
Sexual Assault in Military
Law 103-419, I am pleased to transmit our 2013 Statutory Enforcement
Report, Sexual Assault in the Military. The report is also available, in full, on
the Commission’s website. The purpose of the report is to examine how the Department of Defense and its Armed Services — the Army, Navy, Marine
Corps, and Air Force — respond to Service members who report having been sexually assaulted and how they investigate and discipline Service members accused of perpetrating sexual assault.."
Sexual Assault in Military
Veterans History Project:Helping tell the story of our Nation's veterans.
"Approximately 17 million American war veterans are living in the United States today.
Every one of them has a story.
For the past 13 years, the Veterans History Project (VHP) has been collecting the oral histories and personal documents of America’s war veterans, to ensure their stories are preserved in the Library of Congress so that future generations may better understand the realities of war..."
Veterans history project
Friday, November 8, 2013
Rental Vacancy Rates
"The U.S. Census Bureau has added the rental vacancy rate to America's Economy,
the Census Bureau's widely downloaded mobile app that provides
constantly updated statistics on the U.S. economy, including monthly
economic indicators and trends, along with a schedule of upcoming
releases. This information allows the public to evaluate the housing
market according to the latest housing trends..."
rental vacancies
rental vacancies
What Is a Species? Insight From Dolphins and Humans
"New species of insects, worms and other creepy-crawlers are announced on a monthly basis.
Similarly, just last week, two new humpback dolphin species splashed
into the headlines. And in October, news broke that early humans may
have included fewer species than previously thought. This forces the question: what does it take to be a distinct species?..."
What is a species
What is a species
National Prematurity Awareness Month
"What is Premature Birth?
It is a birth that is at least three weeks before a baby's due date. It is also known as preterm birth (or less than 37 weeks—full term is 40 weeks). Important growth and development occur throughout pregnancy—especially in the final months and weeks..."
Premature Birth
It is a birth that is at least three weeks before a baby's due date. It is also known as preterm birth (or less than 37 weeks—full term is 40 weeks). Important growth and development occur throughout pregnancy—especially in the final months and weeks..."
Premature Birth
Promoting Global Internet Freedom: Policy and Technology
"This report provides information about federal and private sector efforts to promote and support global Internet freedom and a description of Internet freedom legislation and hearings from the 113th and 112th Congresses. Three appendixes suggest further reading on this topic and describe censorship and circumvention technologies..."
Internet Freedom
Internet Freedom
FDA reduce trans fats in processed foods
"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced its preliminary determination that partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the primary dietary source of artificial trans
fat in processed foods, are not “generally recognized as safe” for use
in food. The FDA’s preliminary determination is based on available
scientific evidence and the findings of expert scientific panels..."
Trans fats in foods
Trans fats in foods
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Unemployment Insurance: Consequences of Changes in State Unemployment Compensation Laws
"This report analyzes several types of recent changes to state Unemployment Compensation (UC) programs. Three categories of UC state law issues are considered: (1) changes in the duration of state UC unemployment benefits; (2) changes in the UC weekly benefit amount; and (3) the enactment into state law of two trigger options for the Extended Benefit (EB) program.."
Unemployment insurance
Unemployment insurance
Multiyear Procurement (MYP) and Block Buy Contracting in Defense Acquisition
"Multiyear procurement (MYP) and block buy contracting (BBC) are special contracting mechanisms that Congress permits the Department of Defense (DOD) to use for a limited number of defense acquisition programs. Compared to the standard or default approach of annual contracting, MYP and BBC have the potential for reducing weapon procurement costs by several percent..."
multiyear procurement
multiyear procurement
Native American Heritage Month: 2013
"The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration,
National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National
Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the rich ancestry and
traditions of Native Americans..."
Native American Heritage
Native American Heritage
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Hypertension Among Adults in the United States
Find the latest statistics on hypertension in the United States for the years 2011-2012.
What is the Supplemental Poverty Measure and How Does it Differ from the Official Measure
"The official poverty measure compares an individual’s or family’s
before-tax cash income to a set of thresholds that vary by the size of
the family and the ages of the family members. These official poverty
calculations do not take into account the value of in-kind benefits,
such as those provided by nutrition assistance programs, and housing and
energy assistance. Nor do they take into account regional differences
in living costs or expenses, such as housing..." variation.
Supplemental poverty measure
Supplemental poverty measure
New DOT rules to make flying easier for passengers with disabilities
"At DOT, we believe that all airline passengers deserve to be treated
fairly when they fly. And we’ve been hard at work introducing consumer
protections to ensure equal access to hassle-free transportation for all
air travelers.
Today as part of that ongoing effort, we announced a new rule requiring airline websites and automated airport kiosks to be accessible to passengers with disabilities..."
passengers and disabilities
Today as part of that ongoing effort, we announced a new rule requiring airline websites and automated airport kiosks to be accessible to passengers with disabilities..."
passengers and disabilities
FTC Poses Eight Questions to Ask When Choosing a College After Military Service
The Federal Trade Commission is advising servicemembers, veterans, and their families that some for-profit schools may be more interested in gaining access to their post 9/11 GI Bill benefits than helping them fulfill their education goals. To help servicemembers identify a school that will meet their needs as they transition to student status, the FTC released a new tip sheet.
The guidance, 8 Questions to Ask When Choosing a College, encourages servicemembers, veterans and their families to carefully assess the schools they’re interested in attending, whether working toward a certificate or a higher degree..."veterans and college
The Federal Trade Commission is advising servicemembers, veterans, and their families that some for-profit schools may be more interested in gaining access to their post 9/11 GI Bill benefits than helping them fulfill their education goals. To help servicemembers identify a school that will meet their needs as they transition to student status, the FTC released a new tip sheet.
The guidance, 8 Questions to Ask When Choosing a College, encourages servicemembers, veterans and their families to carefully assess the schools they’re interested in attending, whether working toward a certificate or a higher degree..."veterans and college
Be Prepared to Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter
"Winter storms and cold temperatures can be hazardous, but if you plan
ahead, you can stay safe and healthy. Prepare your home and cars.
Prepare for power outages and outdoor activity. Check on the elderly..."
Winter weather
Winter weather
Pregnant? Get a Flu Shot!
"If you're pregnant, a flu shot is your best protection against serious illness from the flu.
Flu is more likely to cause severe illness in pregnant women than in women who are not pregnant. Changes in the immune system, heart and lungs during pregnancy make pregnant women more prone to severe illness from flu, which can lead to hospitalization or even death.."Pregnancy and Flu
Flu is more likely to cause severe illness in pregnant women than in women who are not pregnant. Changes in the immune system, heart and lungs during pregnancy make pregnant women more prone to severe illness from flu, which can lead to hospitalization or even death.."Pregnancy and Flu
Mumps: Be Sure Your Child Is Fully Immunized
"Puffy cheeks and a swollen jaw—that's what many people think when they
hear about mumps. This disease used to be common in infants, children,
and young adults in the United States. But now, mumps is not very common
in this country. That's because the mumps vaccine is widely used..."
American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage
"American Indians and Alaska Natives have profoundly shaped our country's
character and our cultural heritage. Today, Native Americans are
leaders in every aspect of our society -- from the classroom, to the
boardroom, to the battlefield. This month, we celebrate and honor the
many ways American Indians and Alaska Natives have enriched our Nation,
and we renew our commitment to respecting each tribe's identity while
ensuring equal opportunity to pursue the American dream..."
American Indian heritage
American Indian heritage
Lung Cancer Awareness
"Each year, about 200,000 people in the United States are told they
have lung cancer and more than 150,000 people die from this disease.
Deaths from lung cancer represent about one out of every six deaths from
cancer in the U.S..."
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Diabetes Awareness
"Diabetes: if you don't live with it yourself, then it's likely you have a
family member or friend who does. This November during National
Diabetes Month, ask yourself if you're at risk of type 2 diabetes and
take steps to prevent it. Diabetes affects 26 million Americans, with 19
million people diagnosed and 7 million undiagnosed. And an estimated 79
million American adults aged 20 years or older have prediabetes, which
puts them at high risk for developing the disease..."
Living with Diabetes
Living with Diabetes
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