Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Corrrections population in the United States: 2014
"At yearend 2014, an estimated 6,851,000 persons were under the supervision of U.S. adult correctional systems, a decline of about 52,200 from 6,903,200 at yearend 2013 (figure 1). After peaking at 7,399,600 persons in 2007, the correctional population decreased each year by an average of 1.0%. By yearend 2014, the population declined by 0.8% to the lowest level observed in more than a decade (6,886,800 in 2003). About 1 in 36 adults in the United States was under some form of correctional supervision at yearend 2014. This was the lowest rate observed since 1996 (5,531,300) when about 1.3 million fewer offenders were under correctional supervision (not shown)..."
Correctional population
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
FTC Issues Final Amendments to Fuel Rating Rule
"The Federal Trade Commission has announced final amendments to its Fuel Rating Rule.
The Rule determines the fuel rating that appears on fuel pump labels, how octane levels are calculated, and helps drivers make informed decisions about what fuel to use when they fill up their vehicles.
In April 2014, the Commission published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking public comment on new rating, certification, and labeling requirements for gasoline blends with more than 10 percent ethanol, known as ethanol blends; and an alternative method to determine the octane rating of gasoline, which is known as infrared spectrophotometry..."Fuel ratings
Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2007-2014
"This report provides Congress with official, unclassified, quantitative data on conventional arms
transfers to developing nations by the United States and foreign countries for the preceding eight
calendar years for use in its policy oversight functions. All agreement and delivery data in this
report for the United States are government-to-government Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
transactions. Similar data are provided on worldwide conventional arms transfers by all
government suppliers, but the principal focus is the level of arms transfers by major weapons
supplying governments to nations in the developing world.
Developing nations continue to be the primary focus of foreign arms sales activity by weapons suppliers. During the years 2007-2010, the value of arms transfer agreements with developing nations comprised 74.4% of all such agreements worldwide. More recently, arms transfer agreements with developing nations constituted 75.5% of all such agreements globally from 2011-2014, and 86.0% of these agreements in 2014..."
Arms transfers
Developing nations continue to be the primary focus of foreign arms sales activity by weapons suppliers. During the years 2007-2010, the value of arms transfer agreements with developing nations comprised 74.4% of all such agreements worldwide. More recently, arms transfer agreements with developing nations constituted 75.5% of all such agreements globally from 2011-2014, and 86.0% of these agreements in 2014..."
Arms transfers
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity in the Armed Services: Background and Issues for Congress
"Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity are three terms that are often used interchangeably;
however, there are some differences in how they are interpreted and applied between the
Department of Defense (DOD) and civilian organizations. DOD’s definitions of diversity and
equal opportunity have changed over time, as have its policies toward inclusion of various
demographic groups. These changes have often paralleled social and legal change in the civilian
sector. The gradual integration of previously excluded groups into the military has been ongoing
since the 19th century. However, in the past few decades there have been rapid changes to certain
laws and policies regarding diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity in the Armed Forces. Since
2009, DOD policy changes and congressional actions have allowed individuals who are gay to
serve openly and recognized their same-sex spouses as dependents for the purpose of military
benefits, opened all combat assignments to women, and initiated a review of existing policies
prohibiting transgender servicemembers..."
Armed Services
Armed Services
Monday, December 28, 2015
Increases in Drug and Opioid Overdose Deaths — United States, 2000–2014
"The United States is experiencing an epidemic of drug overdose (poisoning) deaths. Since 2000, the rate of deaths from drug overdoses has increased 137%, including a 200% increase in the rate of overdose deaths involving opioids (opioid pain relievers and heroin). CDC analyzed recent multiple cause-of-death mortality data to examine current trends and characteristics of drug overdose deaths, including the types of opioids associated with drug overdose deaths. During 2014, a total of 47,055 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States, representing a 1-year increase of 6.5%, from 13.8 per 100,000 persons in 2013 to 14.7 per 100,000 persons in 2014. The rate of drug overdose deaths increased significantly for both sexes, persons aged 25–44 years and ≥55 years, non-Hispanic whites and non-Hispanic blacks, and in the Northeastern, Midwestern, and Southern regions of the United States. Rates of opioid overdose deaths also increased significantly, from 7.9 per 100,000 in 2013 to 9.0 per 100,000 in 2014, a 14% increase. Historically, CDC has programmatically characterized all opioid pain reliever deaths (natural and semisynthetic opioids, methadone, and other synthetic opioids) as "prescription" opioid overdoses (1). Between 2013 and 2014, the age-adjusted rate of death involving methadone remained unchanged; however, the age-adjusted rate of death involving natural and semisynthetic opioid pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids, other than methadone (e.g., fentanyl) increased 9%, 26%, and 80%, respectively. The sharp increase in deaths involving synthetic opioids, other than methadone, in 2014 coincided with law enforcement reports of increased availability of illicitly manufactured fentanyl, a synthetic opioid; however, illicitly manufactured fentanyl cannot be distinguished from prescription fentanyl in death certificate data. These findings indicate that the opioid overdose epidemic is worsening. There is a need for continued action to prevent opioid abuse, dependence, and death, improve treatment capacity for opioid use disorders, and reduce the supply of illicit opioids, particularly heroin and illicit fentanyl..."
Overdose deaths
Overdose deaths
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
EEOC Issues a Statement by Chair Jenny R. Yang to Address Workplace Discrimination Against Individuals Who Are, or Are Perceived to Be, Muslim or Middle Eastern
"In the wake of tragic events at home and abroad, EEOC urges employers and employees to be particularly mindful of instances of harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in the workplace against vulnerable communities.
EEOC Chair Jenny R. Yang released the following statement:
"America was founded on the principle of religious freedom. As a nation, we must continue to seek the fair treatment of all, even as we grapple with the concerns raised by the recent terrorist attacks. When people come to work and are unfairly harassed or otherwise targeted based on their religion or national origin, it undermines our shared and longstanding values of tolerance and equality for all.
"We commend employers who have already taken steps to issue or re-issue policies on preventing harassment, retaliation, and other forms of discrimination in the workplace, and we encourage all employers to remain vigilant and to communicate their commitment to inclusive workplaces throughout their organizations. Workers who have experienced discrimination at work or in applying for jobs should report these incidents to the appropriate workplace official and to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or its state and local partners. We urge all employees to re-affirm these values of tolerance and equality in their interactions with their co-workers and show that harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated in America's workplaces."
Today, EEOC also released two resource documents, in question-and-answer format, explaining federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination against individuals who are, or are perceived to be, Muslim or Middle Eastern. One Q&A is for employees, and the other is for employers. The Qs & As assist employers and employees in understanding their rights and responsibilities under the federal laws enforced by EEOC. The documents encourage proactive communication among employers and employees to prevent and correct discrimination..."Muslims and discrimination
DHS Releases End of Fiscal Year 2015 Statistics
"Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 statistics which reflect the Department’s immigration enforcement efforts that prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.
Overall, the Department apprehended 406,595 individuals nationwide and conducted a total of 462,463 removals and returns. The U.S. Border Patrol reported 337,117 apprehensions nationwide, compared to 486,651 in FY 2014. At the same time, ICE removed or returned 235,413 individuals in FY 2015, with 86 percent of these individuals considered a “top priority” (Priority One) – those considered border security or public safety threats.
The number of convicted criminals removed from the interior continued to increase, as 91 percent of ICE’s FY 2015 interior removals and returns were individuals who were previously convicted of a crime, compared to 86 percent in FY 2014, and just 67 percent in FY 2011..."Department Homeland Security
Library of Congress to Receive 9/11-Responder Oral History Collection
"The Library of Congress’ American Folklife Center will become the home of a significant collection of oral histories provided by responders to the devastating Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the New York World Trade Center, U.S. Rep. Steve Israel announced today. The collection, known as the "Remembering 9/11 Oral History Project," is being donated by physician Benjamin Luft, the Edmond Pellegrino Professor of Medicine at Stony Brook University School of Medicine and director of the Stony Brook WTC Wellness Program, who treated many of those responders following the tragedy..".
9/11 Reponders collection
9/11 Reponders collection
Finding Long-Term Solutions for Nuclear Waste
"Today, the Department of Energy is taking a critical step toward the development of a consent-based approach to siting future nuclear waste management facilities as part of a strategy for the long-term storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. The launch of our consent-based siting initiative represents an important step toward addressing this nuclear waste management challenge, so that we can continue to benefit from nuclear technologies. Today’s step forward follows Secretary Moniz’s announcement in March 2015 that DOE would move forward with the development of a separate repository for defense waste..."
nuclear waste
nuclear waste
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Social Security Policy Options -2015
"Social Security, which marked its 80th anniversary in 2015, is the largest single program in the federal government’s budget. The program has two parts: Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI), which pays benefits to retired workers, to their dependents and survivors, and to some survivors of deceased workers; and Disability Insurance (DI), which makes payments to disabled workers and to their dependents until those workers reach the age at which they are eligible to receive full retired-worker benefits under OASI. Social Security currently has about 60 million beneficiaries. Outlays for Social Security totaled $888 billion in fiscal year 2015, accounting for nearly one-quarter of all federal spending. Although Social Security is part of the overall federal budget, its funding mechanism of dedicated revenues sets it apart from many other government programs. Benefits for OASI and DI alike are financed from trust funds (often identified collectively as the combined, or OASDI, trust funds), which are credited with tax revenues, mainly from payroll taxes, and interest on the funds’ balances.1 As long as a trust fund’s balance is sufficient to cover required payments, benefits can be paid without the need for any legislative action..."
Social Security
What Is “Building Partner Capacity?” Issues for Congress
"Since 2001, successive U.S. administrations have increasingly prioritized efforts to build foreign
security forces—particularly in weak and failing states—arguing that doing so advances U.S.
national security objectives. In turn, the Department of Defense (DOD) has invested billions of
dollars in “Building Partner Capacity,” a term that refers to a broad set of missions, programs,
activities, and authorities intended to improve the ability of other nations to achieve those
security-oriented goals they share with the United States. As a consequence, these efforts and
programs have been a growing focus of Congressional attention. Many partner capacity building
programs and activities have their roots in the post-World War II period, if not well before, yet
today they are implemented more widely, and often with greater resourcing, than efforts prior to
September 11, 2001. Indeed, building partner capacity was a central feature of the 2003-2010 Iraq
campaign, and is a core component of the ongoing current campaigns both in Afghanistan to
counter Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and in Iraq/Syria to counter the Islamic State..."
Firearms Eligibility for Foreign Nationals in the United States
"The recent terrorist attacks in Paris, France and San Bernardino, California, have prompted increased attention upon the
categories of persons barred from acquiring firearms. The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), as amended, generally
prohibits certain categories of persons from acquiring firearms or ammunition, including some categories of foreign
nationals (i.e., aliens). The GCA provides that aliens in the United States unlawfully are generally barred from
purchasing a firearm, as are most aliens admitted into the United States pursuant to temporary, “nonimmigrant” visas
(subject to limited exceptions). Aliens who violate these prohibitions, along with persons who sell or transfer firearms
to them, may face criminal penalties.
Foreign nationals who do not fall under these two restrictions—including lawful permanent residents (commonly referred to as immigrants), refugees, and other lawfully present aliens who did not enter the United States pursuant to a visa, such as many foreign travelers visiting the United States under the terms of the Visa Waiver Program—are not prohibited from acquiring a firearm solely on account of their immigration status. Nonetheless, other provisions in the GCA, such as residency requirements that must be satisfied for a firearms sale to be lawful, may impede some foreign nationals from acquiring firearms...
Foreign nationals who do not fall under these two restrictions—including lawful permanent residents (commonly referred to as immigrants), refugees, and other lawfully present aliens who did not enter the United States pursuant to a visa, such as many foreign travelers visiting the United States under the terms of the Visa Waiver Program—are not prohibited from acquiring a firearm solely on account of their immigration status. Nonetheless, other provisions in the GCA, such as residency requirements that must be satisfied for a firearms sale to be lawful, may impede some foreign nationals from acquiring firearms...
Arms Sales: Congressional Review Process
This report reviews the process and procedures that currently apply to congressional consideration of foreign arms sales proposed by the President. This includes consideration of proposals to sell major defense equipment, defense articles and services, or the re-transfer to third party states of such military items. Under Section 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), Congress must be formally notified 30 calendar days before the Administration can take the final steps to conclude a government-to-government foreign military sale of major defense equipment valued at $14 million or more, defense articles or services valued at $50 million or more, or design and construction services valued at $200 million or more. In the case of such sales to NATO member states, NATO, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand, Congress must be formally notified 15 calendar days before the Administration can proceed with the sale. However, the prior notice threshold values are higher for sales to NATO members, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand. Commercially licensed arms sales also must be formally notified to Congress 30 calendar days before the export license is issued if they involve the sale of major defense equipment valued at $14 million or more, or defense articles or services valued at $50 million or more (Section 36(c) AECA). In the case of such sales to NATO member states, NATO, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand, Congress must be formally notified 15 calendar days before the Administration is authorized to proceed with a given sale. As with government-to-government sales, the prior notice threshold values are higher for sales to NATO members, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand..."
Arms Sales
This report reviews the process and procedures that currently apply to congressional consideration of foreign arms sales proposed by the President. This includes consideration of proposals to sell major defense equipment, defense articles and services, or the re-transfer to third party states of such military items. Under Section 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), Congress must be formally notified 30 calendar days before the Administration can take the final steps to conclude a government-to-government foreign military sale of major defense equipment valued at $14 million or more, defense articles or services valued at $50 million or more, or design and construction services valued at $200 million or more. In the case of such sales to NATO member states, NATO, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand, Congress must be formally notified 15 calendar days before the Administration can proceed with the sale. However, the prior notice threshold values are higher for sales to NATO members, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand. Commercially licensed arms sales also must be formally notified to Congress 30 calendar days before the export license is issued if they involve the sale of major defense equipment valued at $14 million or more, or defense articles or services valued at $50 million or more (Section 36(c) AECA). In the case of such sales to NATO member states, NATO, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand, Congress must be formally notified 15 calendar days before the Administration is authorized to proceed with a given sale. As with government-to-government sales, the prior notice threshold values are higher for sales to NATO members, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, or New Zealand..."
Arms Sales
Monday, December 21, 2015
National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment
"The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing is a pillar of U.S. national security and a strong financial system. It is an undertaking that requires the coordinated and dedicated efforts of policy maters, law enforcement, supervisors, and the private sector, particularly financial institutions. It is essential that we work closely together to develop and effectively implement strong laws and regulations to detect, deter, and disrupt illicit finance. Equally important is that we understand and communicate the money laundering and terrorist financing threats, vulnerabilities, and risks facing our country.
In this spirit, the Department of the Treasury is proud to publish the National Money Laundering Risk Assessment and National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment. These reports- Based on an analysis of more than 5,000 law enforcement cases, financial reporting bye U.S. financial institutions and reports from across government and the private sector-represent an unprecedented review of the key money laundering and terrorist financing risks to the United States..."
Terrorist financing risk
In this spirit, the Department of the Treasury is proud to publish the National Money Laundering Risk Assessment and National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment. These reports- Based on an analysis of more than 5,000 law enforcement cases, financial reporting bye U.S. financial institutions and reports from across government and the private sector-represent an unprecedented review of the key money laundering and terrorist financing risks to the United States..."
Terrorist financing risk
Saturday, December 19, 2015
CDC Wonder database
"Welcome to CDC WONDER -- Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research -- an easy-to-use, menu-driven system that makes the information resources of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) available to public health professionals and the public at large. It provides access to a wide array of public health information.
CDC WONDER furthers CDC's mission of health promotion and disease prevention by speeding and simplifying access to public health information for state and local health departments, the Public Health Service, and the academic public health community. CDC WONDER is valuable in public health research, decision making, priority setting, program evaluation, and resource allocation.
CDC WONDER, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is an integrated information and communication system for public health. Its purposes are:
- To promote information-driven decision making by placing timely, useful facts in the hands of public health practitioners and researchers, and
- To provide the general public with access to specific and detailed information from CDC.
With CDC WONDER you can:
- Access statistical research data published by CDC, as well as reference materials, reports and guidelines on health-related topics;
- Query numeric data sets on CDC's computers, via "fill-in-the blank" web pages. Public-use data sets about mortality (deaths), cancer incidence, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, vaccinations, natality (births), census data and many other topics are available for query, and the requested data are readily summarized and analyzed, with dynamically calculated statistics, charts and maps..."
CDC Wonder
Friday, December 18, 2015
President Obama Has Shortened the Sentences of More People Than the Last 5 Presidents Combined
"Today, President Obama is commuting the federal prison sentences of 95 men and women, most of whom committed nonviolent offenses. With this step, the President has now granted 184 commutations total -- more than the last five presidents combined. Take a look:

Prison sentence reduction
Top 5 Interactives and Maps of 2015
"Well gang, we’ve done it again. We’ve made a full rotation around the sun and we’re back after 940 million kilometers to share our favorite interactives, quizzes and maps of 2015. Click each to explore the most interesting energy topics of 2015.
1) How Much Carbon Do Countries Emit?
With the recent climate change negotiations in Paris at COP21, we wanted a handy tool to compare our carbon emissions to other nations that we were working with. This interactive let’s you explore your national and state footprint as it compares with other countries, both big and small. The results may surprise you!..."1) How Much Carbon Do Countries Emit?
Energy maps
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Disabilities Among Prison and Jail Inmates, 2011–12
"In 2011–12, about 3 in 10 state and federal prisoners
and 4 in 10 local jail inmates reported having at least
one disability. Among prison and jail inmates, females
were more likely to report a disability than males (figure 1).
About 40% of females and 31% of males in prison and
49% of females and 39% of males in jail reported a disability.
In this report, disability types include hearing, vision,
cognitive, ambulatory, self-care, and independent living,
which refers to the ability to navigate daily life schedules,
activities, and events without assistance..."
Disabilities among prisoners
Disabilities among prisoners
Los Angeles County a Microcosm of Nation’s Diverse Collection of Business Owners, Census Bureau Reports
"Los Angeles County, Calif., led the nation in the number of Hispanic-, Asian-, and American Indian and Alaska Native-owned firms in 2012, according to estimates released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. It also ranked second in the number of black or African American- and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander-owned firms (after Cook County, Ill., and Honolulu County, Hawaii, respectively).
Collectively, Los Angeles County was home to 631,218 minority-owned firms: 332,967 Hispanic, 213,203 Asian, 81,563 black or African American, 11,081 American Indian and Alaska Native, and 3,798 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Consequently, with 3.2 percent of the nation’s total population (according to the Census Bureau’s July 1, 2012, population estimates), the county was home to 7.9 percent of its minority-owned businesses in 2012.
The majority of firms in Los Angeles County (55.0 percent) were minority-owned. This includes 29.0 percent Hispanic-owned, 18.6 percent Asian-owned, 7.1 percent black or African American-owned, 1.0 percent owned by American Indians and Alaska Natives, and 0.3 percent Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander-owned.
These findings for Los Angeles County are an example of the local analysis possible using the final, revised statistics from the 2012 Survey of Business Owners released today...."Minority-owned businesses
Local Business Data Now Available for Entire Nation and Every Industry as 2012 Economic Census Geographic Area Series Concludes
"The 2012 Economic Census completed the Geographic Area Series today for the final three sectors of the economy, thereby concluding the entire series. Business statistics are thus now available on all 18 sectors and each industry therein for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as every county, metropolitan statistical area and economic place nationwide. The files contain statistics on the number of establishments, receipts/revenue, payroll, number of employees and other data items. With today’s release, entrepreneurs, trade associations and chambers of commerce in every corner of the nation have the full arsenal of statistics for their area needed to make key business decisions...."
Arctic Report Card: 2015
"What's new in 2015?
Arctic region
Maximum sea ice extent on 25 February was 15 days earlier than average and the lowest value on record (1979-present). Minimum ice extent in September was the 4th lowest on record. Sea ice continues to be younger and thinner: in February and March 2015 there was twice as much first-year ice as there was 30 years ago.
Changes in sea ice alone are having profound effects on the marine ecosystem (fishes, walruses, primary production) andsea surface temperatures..."Arctic region
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Guidance on Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
"Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced today a new guidance from the Justice Department designed to help law enforcement agencies prevent gender bias in their response to sexual assault and domestic violence, highlighting the need for clear policies, robust training and responsive accountability systems.
“Gender bias, whether explicit or implicit, can severely undermine law enforcement’s ability to protect survivors of sexual and domestic violence and hold offenders accountable,” said Attorney General Lynch. “This guidance – developed in collaboration with law enforcement leaders and advocates from across the country – is designed to help state, local, and tribal authorities more fairly and effectively address allegations of domestic violence and sexual assault. In the days and months ahead, the Department of Justice will continue to work with our law enforcement partners nationwide to ensure that they have the tools and resources they need to prevent, investigate, and prosecute these horrendous crimes.”
Today’s guidance – which reflects input from a wide array of stakeholders, including police leaders, victim advocates and civil rights advocates – aims to enhance the Justice Department’s partnership with law enforcement officers who work tirelessly to protect their communities, advance bias-free policing and uphold the civil rights of the people they serve. The Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), the Civil Rights Division and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) collaborated to produce the guidance...."Identifying & preventing gender bias
FTC Issues Annual Report On Ethanol Market Concentration
"The Federal Trade Commission has issued its 2015 Report on Ethanol Market Concentration, an annual report required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 “to determine whether there is sufficient competition among industry participants to avoid price-setting and other anticompetitive behavior.”
As in prior years, the 2015 report concludes that it is “extremely unlikely that a single ethanol producer or marketer or a group of such firms could exercise market power to set prices or coordinate on price or output levels.”..."Ethanol
2014 NIBRS Statistics
"Today, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program released details on more than 5.4 million criminal offenses reported by law enforcement through the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) during 2014. According to NIBRS 2014, 6,520 law enforcement agencies—charged with protecting more than 93 million U.S. inhabitants—reported 4,759,438 incidents involving 5,489,485 offenses, 5,790,423 victims, and 4,414,016 known offenders..."
Incident-based statistics
Incident-based statistics
2016 Student Opportunities in Public Health
"CDC's Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE) supports internship opportunities for qualified undergraduate and graduate students to gain meaningful experiences in public health settings. Whether you are looking for a summer internship or a fellowship, the following programs provide valuable exposure to a wide range of public health opportunities. Learn more,,,:
Summer interns
Summer interns
Holiday Road Safety
"Stay safe on the roads and take action to protect yourself and your loved ones.
In the United States, motor vehicle crashes are in the top 10 causes of death for people aged 1-54, and more than 30,000 people are killed in crashes each year. In 2013, crash deaths resulted in $44 billion in medical and work loss costs. However, motor vehicle crashes, and their related injuries and deaths, are preventable. Stay safe on the roads this holiday season, and take action to protect yourself and your loved ones..."Safe travel
Measuring financial well-being: A guide to using the CFPB Financial Well-Being Scale
"Following a rigorous research effort to develop a consumer-driven definition of financial well-being, the CFPB developed and tested a set of questions–a “scale”–to measure financial well-being. The scale is designed to allow practitioners and researchers to accurately and consistently quantify, and therefore observe, something that is not directly observable–the extent to which someone’s financial situation and the financial capability that they have developed provide them with security and freedom of choice. This guide describes the research behind the CFPB Financial Well-Being Scale and provides detailed steps for using it, including how to score individuals’ responses and compare their scores.
Take a look at the user guide...:Financial well-being
" is a free web based repository of Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports. This digital library is dedicated to hosting an extensive collection of CRS documents. All information provided by is publicly available and can be accessed for free without sign-up or registration. This growing collection of CRS reports is made freely available to policy makers (including Hill staffers who while off of the Hill may decide not to login into the Capitol intranet) and other users for purposes beneficial to our political system and the public..."
CRS Reports
Saturday, December 12, 2015
FBI Takes Part in State Department Briefing on Just-Released Illicit Tobacco Trade Publication
"Today in Washington, D.C., the FBI took part in a briefing announcing the U.S. State Department’s launch of a publication that outlines the emerging negative impacts of the illicit tobacco trade and the whole-of-government approach to combating it. According to The Global Illicit Trade in Tobacco: A Threat to National Security, this low-risk, high-reward, often transnational criminal activity is a lucrative crime for some terrorist groups and a potential revenue source to finance acts of terror. It also provides funding for other criminal activities—including money laundering and trafficking in humans, weapons, drugs, antiquities, diamonds, and counterfeit goods—and it can encourage organized criminal enterprises, terrorist organizations, and other threat networks to work together. Additionally, the illicit tobacco trade deprives governments of tax revenues, causing billions of dollars in losses annually..."
Tobacco trade
Tobacco trade
Avoid Dengue by Preventing Mosquito Bites
"Dengue is a virus spread by mosquito bites. If you live in or travel to a tropical or sub-tropical area, protect yourself by preventing mosquito bites.
Each year, an estimated 390 million people are infected with dengue virus. Outbreaks have occurred in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Americas, the Caribbean, and Africa.
Signs and symptoms of dengue
Most people infected have mild or no symptoms. About 1 in 4 people infected with dengue will get sick. Mild symptoms of dengue may be confused with other illnesses that cause fever and flu-like illness. Most people will recover after about one week.
The most common symptoms are fever and one or more of the following symptoms:
- Headache
- Eye pain (typically behind the eyes)
- Muscle, joint, or bone pain
- Rash
- Nausea and vomiting
- Unusual bleeding (nose or gum bleed, small red spots under the skin, or unusual bruising)..."
Employment Projections: 2014-24
"Healthcare occupations and industries are expected to have the fastest employment growth and to add
the most jobs between 2014 and 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. With the
increase in the proportion of the population in older age groups, more people in the labor force will be
entering prime retirement age. As a result, the labor force participation rate is projected to decrease and
labor force growth to slow. This slowdown of labor force growth is expected, in turn, to lead to Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 2.2 percent annually over the decade. This economic growth is
projected to generate 9.8 million new jobs—a 6.5-percent increase between 2014 and 2024..."
Chronic Homelessness: Background, Research, and Outcomes
"Chronically homeless individuals are those who spend long periods of time living on the street or
other places not meant for human habitation, and who have one or more disabilities, frequently
including mental illnesses and substance use disorders. In the 2014 Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) point-in-time count of people experiencing homelessness, more than
84,000 individuals met the definition of chronically homeless, down from more than 120,000 in
2008. In part the decline is due to the federal government’s plan, announced in 2002, to end
chronic homelessness within 10 years. The target date has since been extended to 2017. Among
the federal programs focused on ending chronic homelessness are the HUD Homelessness
Assistance Grants, the HUD and Veterans Affairs Supported Housing Program (HUD-VASH),
and several HUD demonstration programs.
One of the reasons that federal programs have devoted resources to ending chronic homelessness is studies finding that individuals who experience it, particularly those with serious mental illness, use many expensive services often paid through public sources, including emergency room visits, inpatient hospitalizations, and law enforcement and jail time. Even emergency shelter resources can be costly. In addition to potential ethical reasons for ending chronic homelessness, doing so could reduce costs in providing assistance to this population..."
One of the reasons that federal programs have devoted resources to ending chronic homelessness is studies finding that individuals who experience it, particularly those with serious mental illness, use many expensive services often paid through public sources, including emergency room visits, inpatient hospitalizations, and law enforcement and jail time. Even emergency shelter resources can be costly. In addition to potential ethical reasons for ending chronic homelessness, doing so could reduce costs in providing assistance to this population..."
Friday, December 11, 2015
FDA clears military traumatic wound dressing for use in the civilian population
"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administrationcleared the use of the XSTAT 30 wound dressing, an expandable, multi-sponge dressing used to control severe, life-threatening bleeding from wounds in areas that a tourniquet cannot be placed (such as the groin or armpit) in battlefield and civilian trauma settings. The clearance expands the device’s indication from use by the military only to use in adults and adolescents in the general population.
Early control of severe bleeding may prevent shock and may be life-saving. According to the United States Army Institute of Surgical Research, 30 to 40 percent of civilian deaths by traumatic injury are the result of hemorrhaging. Of those deaths, 33 to 56 percent occur before the patient reaches a hospital..."Trauma wounds
Census Bureau Releases 2014 Income and Poverty Estimates for All Counties
"Today, the Census Bureau released the latest findings from its Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates program. The program provides the only up-to-date, single-year income and poverty statistics for all counties and school districts — roughly 3,140 counties and nearly 14,000 school districts nationally.
Tables provide statistics on the number of people in poverty, the number of children younger than age 5 in poverty (for states only), the number of children ages 5 to 17 in families in poverty, the number younger than age 18 in poverty, and median household income. At the school district level, estimates are available for the total population, the number of children ages 5 to 17 and the number of children ages 5 to 17 in families in poverty.
These estimates combine the latest data from the American Community Survey with aggregate data from federal tax records, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, decennial censuses and the Population Estimates Program.
According to the 2014 estimates:
- Median household income at the county level in 2014 ranged from $21,658 to $125,635, with a median county level value of $45,229.
- Based on poverty rate estimates for all 3,141 counties for all ages, 26 percent (820 counties) had a statistically significant increase in poverty between 2007 (the year before the most recent recession) and 2014. Only 1 percent of counties had a statistically significant decrease in poverty during that period..."
Small area income and poverty
Women in Combat: Issues for Congress(12/2015)
"Over the past two decades of conflict, women have served with valor and continue to serve on
combat aircraft, naval vessels, and in support of ground combat operations. The expansion of
roles for women in the Armed Forces has evolved since the early days of the military when
women were restricted by law and policy from serving in certain occupations and units. Women
are not precluded by law from serving in any military unit or occupational specialty. However, a
1994 Department of Defense (DOD) policy prevented women from being assigned to units below
brigade level where the unit’s primary mission was to engage directly in ground combat. This
policy barred women from serving in infantry, artillery, armor, combat engineers, and special
operations units of battalion size or smaller. On January 24, 2013, then-Secretary of Defense
Leon Panetta rescinded the rule that restricted women from serving in combat units and directed
the military departments to review their occupational standards and assignment policies for
implementation no later than January 1, 2016.
On December 3, 2015, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter ordered the military to open all combat jobs to women with no exceptions. This most recent policy change followed extensive studies that were completed by the military departments and by the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) on issues such as unit cohesion, women’s health, equipment, facilities modifications, propensity to serve, and international experiences with women in combat. By law (10 U.S.C.652), the Secretary of Defense is required to report to Congress on any proposed changes that would open any units or positions that were previously closed to women. The Secretary’s report is required to include justification for the proposed change and analysis of the implications for the Military Selective Service Act. Congress then has a 30-day period for the review of the justification for the changes and to consider the implications of this decision prior to the implementation of the policy..."
Women in combat
On December 3, 2015, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter ordered the military to open all combat jobs to women with no exceptions. This most recent policy change followed extensive studies that were completed by the military departments and by the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) on issues such as unit cohesion, women’s health, equipment, facilities modifications, propensity to serve, and international experiences with women in combat. By law (10 U.S.C.652), the Secretary of Defense is required to report to Congress on any proposed changes that would open any units or positions that were previously closed to women. The Secretary’s report is required to include justification for the proposed change and analysis of the implications for the Military Selective Service Act. Congress then has a 30-day period for the review of the justification for the changes and to consider the implications of this decision prior to the implementation of the policy..."
Women in combat
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
"Each year, people around the world observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities1 in December. There are activities that each of us can do—individually and as a community—to celebrate this year's theme: "Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities."
Let's Walk! A Movement to Rethink the Way We Talk About Walking
In line with this year's theme, U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy has announced a Call to Action2[1.27 MB] to increase walking in all parts of the United States. This involves increasing access to safe and convenient places to walk and wheelchair roll for people of all ages and abilities. His campaign, Step It Up!, calls on Americans of all abilities to commit to walking for a healthier, more active lifestyle, and to help make their communities more walkable..."Disabilities
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
How CBO Estimates the Effects of the Affordable Care Act on the Labor Market
"The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will make the labor supply, measured as the total compensation paid to
workers, 0.86 percent smaller in 2025 than it would have been in the absence of that law, the
Congressional Budget Office estimates. Three-quarters of that decline will occur because of health
insurance expansions, which raise effective tax rates on earnings from labor—for instance, by phasing out
health insurance subsidies as people’s income rises—and thus reduce the amount of labor that workers
choose to supply. The labor force is projected to be about 2 million full-time-equivalent workers smaller
in 2025 under the ACA than it would have been otherwise. Those estimates were based mainly on CBO’s
calculations of the effects of the law’s major components on marginal and average tax rates and on the
agency’s analysis of research about the change in the labor supply resulting from a change in tax rates.
For components of the law that were difficult to express in terms of changes in tax rates, CBO based its
estimates on a review of the available literature about similar policy changes..."
Affordable Care Act
Affordable Care Act
New CEA Report Finds that SNAP Benefits are Crucial for Families but Sometimes Inadequate
"The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, is the cornerstone of U.S. efforts to alleviate hunger by supplementing the food budgets of low-income households. Last year, SNAP lifted at least 4.7 million people out of poverty—including 2.1 million children.
As we prepare to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, too many families are struggling with food insecurity. A new report today from the White House Council of Economic Advisers finds that while SNAP is highly effective at reducing food insecurity, benefit levels are often inadequate to sustain families through the end of the month — causing children to go hungry and endangering their health, educational performance, and life chances..."
As we prepare to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, too many families are struggling with food insecurity. A new report today from the White House Council of Economic Advisers finds that while SNAP is highly effective at reducing food insecurity, benefit levels are often inadequate to sustain families through the end of the month — causing children to go hungry and endangering their health, educational performance, and life chances..."
Monday, December 7, 2015
Radiogram reporting the Pearl Harbor attack, December 7, 1941
"Radiogram reporting the Pearl Harbor attack, from Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet (CINCPAC) to all ships in Hawaiian area, December 7, 1941; 17th Naval District, Kodiak, Alaska, General Files, 1940-46, E 91, Dispatches, Pearl Harbor; Records of Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, 1784 - 1981; Record Group 181.."
Pearl Harbor attack
Pearl Harbor attack
Fight the flu
December 6-12, 2015 is National Influenza Vaccination week. Have you gotten you flu shot?
Flu, influenza
Flu, influenza
Mall Walking in Winter
"The holidays are here again! Not only does this festive season bring egg nog, cookies, candy canes and stuffing with extra gravy, in many areas it also means cooler temperatures. Although being physically active can help you avoid some holiday weight gain, what should you do if it is too cold or icy outside? Why not beat holiday shoppers to your nearest mall for a morning walk?
Although mall walking can be done by almost anyone, it tends to be most popular among people middle-aged and older. This isn't surprising because malls have features that make walking in them particularly appealing to older adults. They are protected from the weather, are well-lit, have flat and even walking surfaces, have convenient restrooms, and have seats and benches where one can rest for a little while in the middle of the walk..."Mall walking
Coping with Stress
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides the following information to help individuals cope with stress.
Strong emotions like fear, sadness, or other symptoms of depression are normal, as long as they are temporary and don't interfere with daily activities. If these emotions last too long or cause other problems, it's a different story.
Sometimes stress can be good. It can help you develop skills needed to manage potentially threatening situations. Stress can be harmful, however, when it is prolonged or severe enough to make you feel overwhelmed and out of control..."Stress
Mass Murder with Firearms: Incidents and Victims, 1999-2013
"In the wake of tragedy in Newtown CT, Congress defined “mass killings” as “3 or more killings
in a single incident” (P.L. 112-265). Any consideration of new or existing gun laws that follows
mass shootings is likely to generate requests for comprehensive data on the prevalence and
deadliness of these incidents. Despite the pathos of mass shootings, only a handful of researchers
and journalists have analyzed the principal source of homicide data in the United States—the
Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR) compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI)—to determine whether those incidents have become more prevalent and deadly..."
Mass murder & firearms
Mass murder & firearms
The World's Women: 2015
Find the latest data on the population of women in the world published by the United Nations Statistics Division.
World's women
World's women
President Obama Addresses the Nation on Keeping the American People Safe
"On Sunday, December 6, at 8:00 pm ET, President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office about the steps our government is taking to fulfill his highest priority: keeping the American people safe...."
President Obama's address, Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015
The Federal Role in the Financing of Multifamily Rental Properties
"Multifamily properties—those with five or more units—
provide shelter for approximately one-third of the more
than 100 million renters in the United States and account
for about 14 percent of all housing units. Mortgages carrying
an actual or implied federal guarantee have been an
important source of financing for acquiring, developing,
and rehabilitating multifamily properties, particularly
after the collapse in house prices and credit availability
that accompanied the 2008–2009 recession. According to
the Federal Reserve, the share of outstanding multifamily
mortgages carrying such a guarantee increased by 10 percentage
points, from 33 percent at the beginning of 2005
to 43 percent at the end of the third quarter of 2014.
(A slightly larger increase of about 16 percentage points
occurred in the federal government’s market share of the
much larger single-family market.) Such guarantees are
made by a variety of entities, and some policymakers are
looking for ways to make the federal government’s
involvement more effective. Other policymakers have
expressed concern about that expanded federal role and
are looking at ways to reduce it..."
Rental properties
Rental properties
Federal Reserve: Oversight and Disclosure Issues
"Critics of the Federal Reserve (Fed) have long argued for more oversight, transparency, and
disclosure. Criticism intensified following the extensive assistance the Fed provided to financial
firms during the financial crisis. Some critics downplay the degree of Fed oversight and
disclosure that already takes place.
For oversight, the Fed has been statutorily required since 1978 to provide a written report to and testify before the congressional committees of jurisdiction semi-annually. In addition, these committees periodically hold more focused hearings on Fed topics. Critics have sought a Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of the Fed. The Fed’s financial statements are annually audited by private-sector auditors. Contrary to popular belief, GAO has periodically conducted Fed audits since 1978, subject to statutory restrictions, and a GAO audit would not, under current law, release any confidential information identifying institutions that have borrowed from the Fed or the details of other transactions. The Dodd-Frank Act (P.L. 111-203) resulted in an audit of the Fed’s emergency activities during the financial crisis, released in July 2011, and an audit of Fed governance, released in October 2011. GAO can currently audit all Fed activities for waste, fraud, and abuse. Effectively, the remaining statutory restrictions prevent GAO from evaluating the economic merits of Fed policy decisions. H.R. 3189, passed by the House, would require annual GAO audits that would not be subject to statutory restrictions..."
Federal Reserve
For oversight, the Fed has been statutorily required since 1978 to provide a written report to and testify before the congressional committees of jurisdiction semi-annually. In addition, these committees periodically hold more focused hearings on Fed topics. Critics have sought a Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of the Fed. The Fed’s financial statements are annually audited by private-sector auditors. Contrary to popular belief, GAO has periodically conducted Fed audits since 1978, subject to statutory restrictions, and a GAO audit would not, under current law, release any confidential information identifying institutions that have borrowed from the Fed or the details of other transactions. The Dodd-Frank Act (P.L. 111-203) resulted in an audit of the Fed’s emergency activities during the financial crisis, released in July 2011, and an audit of Fed governance, released in October 2011. GAO can currently audit all Fed activities for waste, fraud, and abuse. Effectively, the remaining statutory restrictions prevent GAO from evaluating the economic merits of Fed policy decisions. H.R. 3189, passed by the House, would require annual GAO audits that would not be subject to statutory restrictions..."
Federal Reserve
Thursday, December 3, 2015
U.S. Remains No. 1 Choice for Foreign Investment – New Stats Released
"On Monday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released highly-anticipated data highlighting new foreign direct investment (FDI) expenditures in the United States.
These statistics capture the story of new FDI into the United States in 2014 and introduce a perspective on FDI never before seen in official BEA statistics. Highlighting data like this is not only part of SelectUSA’s mission to facilitate and promote FDI into the United States but it also gives our business and policy leaders a quantitative look at how the United States maintains its title as the number one destination for FDI.
In the new set of data, BEA produced statistics that specify two types of new FDI: acquisitions and greenfield investments. Greenfield investments capture how much foreign investors are spending to establish and/or expand U.S. businesses. Last year, new FDI expenditures made by foreign investors acquiring, establishing, and expanding U.S. businesses totaled $241.3 billion while greenfield investments accounted for seven percent of that total, exceeding $16.5 billion. Acquisitions accounted for the majority of new investment expenditure, totaling $224.7 billion in 2014..."
Foreign investmentReplacing Military Personnel in Support Positions With Civilian Employees
"Only military personnel engage in combat operations,
according to U.S. government policies. However, either
military personnel, civilian employees of the Department
of Defense (DoD), or contractors may carry out support
functions, such as accounting services. In 2012, about
340,000 active-duty military personnel were assigned to
commercial positions that perform support functions.
Those functions require skills that could be obtained
from the private sector so that, in principle, those same
positions could be filled by civilian employees.
To cut costs, DoD could transfer some of those positions to civilian employees and then reduce the number of military personnel accordingly. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that doing so for 80,000 full-time positions could eventually save the federal government $3.1 billion to $5.7 billion per year. (Those savings are measured in terms of annualized costs. That term encompasses all liabilities, current and future, that the federal government incurs by employing a military service member or a civilian today, expressed as annual amounts. All annualized amounts are in real terms, meaning that they have been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation.) Some costs of hiring military personnel are paid from accounts outside DoD’s budget, so the department would not realize all of those savings..."
military personnel
To cut costs, DoD could transfer some of those positions to civilian employees and then reduce the number of military personnel accordingly. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that doing so for 80,000 full-time positions could eventually save the federal government $3.1 billion to $5.7 billion per year. (Those savings are measured in terms of annualized costs. That term encompasses all liabilities, current and future, that the federal government incurs by employing a military service member or a civilian today, expressed as annual amounts. All annualized amounts are in real terms, meaning that they have been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation.) Some costs of hiring military personnel are paid from accounts outside DoD’s budget, so the department would not realize all of those savings..."
military personnel
Personal Consumption Expenditures by State, 1997-2014
"Today, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released its first set of official statistics on
personal consumption expenditures (PCE) by state for 1997-2014
. PCE by state – the measure
of goods and services purchased by or on behalf of households by state of residence – provides
insight into household spending patterns across states and can be used together with other
regional data to gain a better understanding of regional economies.
PCE by state statistics are released for 16 expenditure categories; eight categories of goods, seven categories of services, and the net expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households. The statistics are reported in current dollars and reflect variation in both prices and quantities..."
Personal consumption
PCE by state statistics are released for 16 expenditure categories; eight categories of goods, seven categories of services, and the net expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households. The statistics are reported in current dollars and reflect variation in both prices and quantities..."
Personal consumption
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Sixty Years Later, Cities Celebrate Rosa Parks’ Legacy
"It was a deceptively simple move—a refusal that sparked a civil rights juggernaut and thrust Alabama activist Rosa Parks into the history books. Now, 60 years after Parks refused to give up her seat at the front of a segregated bus, the activist’s legacy lives on in cities across the United States. Here’s a sampling of ways Parks is being honored on the anniversary of her protest:..."
Rosa Parks
Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy
"On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to censure Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had led the fight in Congress to root out suspected Communists from the Federal Government. The censure described his behavior as "contrary to senatorial traditions." This copy of the resolution catches the debate on November 9 as the Senate refined the wording of its resolution. The substance of the first count, charging McCarthy with failure to cooperate with a Senate subcommittee, remained unchanged in the final resolution. The second count was dropped for a condemnation of McCarthy’s attacks on the very members of the committee that considered his censure..."
Joseph McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2014
View the latest data on carbon dioxide emissions as collected by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Carbon dioxide emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions
"Today we are witnessing the largest global convergence of
jihadists in history, as individuals from more than 100 countries
have migrated to the conflict zone in Syria and Iraq since 2011.1
Some initially flew to the region to join opposition groups seeking
to oust Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, but most are now joining
the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), inspired to become a
part of the group’s ‘‘caliphate’’ and to expand its repressive society.
Over 25,000 foreign fighters have traveled to the battlefield to enlist
with Islamist terrorist groups, including at least 4,500 Westerners.
More than 250 individuals from the United States have also
joined or attempted to fight with extremists in the conflict zone.
These fighters pose a serious threat to the United States and its allies. Armed with combat experience and extremist connections, many of them are only a plane-flight away from our shores. Even if they do not return home to plot attacks, foreign fighters have taken the lead in recruiting a new generation of terrorists and are seeking to radicalize Westerners online to spread terror back home.
Responding to the growing threat, the House Committee on Homeland Security established the Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel in March 2015. Chairman Michael McCaul and Ranking Member Bennie Thompson appointed a bipartisan group of eight lawmakers charged with reviewing the threat to the United States from foreign fighters, examining the Government’s preparedness to respond to a surge in terrorist travel, and providing a final report with findings and recommendations to address the challenge. Members and staff also assessed security measures in other countries, as U.S. defenses depend partly on whether foreign governments are able to interdict extremists before they reach our shores..."
Terrorist and foriegn fighters
These fighters pose a serious threat to the United States and its allies. Armed with combat experience and extremist connections, many of them are only a plane-flight away from our shores. Even if they do not return home to plot attacks, foreign fighters have taken the lead in recruiting a new generation of terrorists and are seeking to radicalize Westerners online to spread terror back home.
Responding to the growing threat, the House Committee on Homeland Security established the Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel in March 2015. Chairman Michael McCaul and Ranking Member Bennie Thompson appointed a bipartisan group of eight lawmakers charged with reviewing the threat to the United States from foreign fighters, examining the Government’s preparedness to respond to a surge in terrorist travel, and providing a final report with findings and recommendations to address the challenge. Members and staff also assessed security measures in other countries, as U.S. defenses depend partly on whether foreign governments are able to interdict extremists before they reach our shores..."
Terrorist and foriegn fighters
Want to Obtain FBI Records a Little Quicker?
"The FBI recently began open beta testing of eFOIA, a system that puts Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests into a medium more familiar to an ever-increasing segment of the population. This new system allows the public to make online FOIA requests for FBI records and receive the results from a website where they have immediate access to view and download the released information.
Previously, FOIA requests have only been made through regular mail, fax, or e-mail, and all responsive material was sent to the requester through regular mail either in paper or disc format. “The eFOIA system,” says David Hardy, chief of the FBI’s Record/Information Dissemination Section, “is for a new generation that’s not paper-based.” Hardy also notes that the new process should increase FBI efficiency and decrease administrative costs.
The eFOIA system continues in an open beta format to optimize the process for requesters. The Bureau encourages requesters to try eFOIA and to e-mail with any questions or difficulties encountered while using it. In several months, the FBI plans to move eFOIA into full production mode..."FBI
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