Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Youth Transitioning From Foster Care:Background, Federal Programs, and Issues for Congress
"Nearly half of states have laws that explicitly permit the state child welfare
system to continue providing foster care for children beyond the age of majority
(usually no later than 19). However, the number of states that actually facilitate
youth remaining in care beyond their 18th or 19th birthdays is significantly smaller.
Over 20,000 young people have been emancipated from foster care annually from
FY2002 through FY2006. While most young people have access to emotional and
financial support systems throughout their early adult years, older youth in care and
those who age out of care often face obstacles to developing independent living skills and building supports that ease the transition to adulthood. Older foster youth who return to their parents or guardians may continue to experience poor family dynamics or a lack of emotional and financial supports, and studies have shown that recently emancipated foster youth fare poorly relative to their counterparts in the general population on several outcome measures."

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