Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Foreign Intelligence Law Collection

Via Georgetown University Law Center, Foreign Intelligence Law Collection
"Professor Laura K. Donohue, the Agnes N. Williams Research Professor at Georgetown University Law Center, in collaboration with the Georgetown University Edward Bennett Williams Law Library, has developed a collection of the most important primary and secondary resources pertaining to U.S. foreign intelligence law and national security.
The collection includes foreign intelligence-related statutory and regulatory instruments; the legislative histories for statutory changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA); publicly available and declassified opinions and orders issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review (FISCR); FISA-related cases in non-specialized Article III courts; statutorily-required reports on the operation of FISA and formal correspondence between FISC and Congress; FISC/FISCR Rules of Procedure; and an annotated bibliography of secondary sources related to FISA, FISC/FISCR, and foreign intelligence law.
This website is meant as a resource for the judiciary, clerks, members of Congress and their staff, lawyers, scholars, journalists, students, companies, members of the public, and anyone with an interest in or need to understand the legal framework for U.S. foreign intelligence collection..."
Foreign Intelligence

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