Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Competition in the Pet Medications Industry Prescription Portability and Distribution Practices

"The U.S. market for companion animal medications (“pet medications”) has grown significantly in the last decade. This growth is reflected in increased sales of both prescription and nonprescription (also referred to as “over-the-counter” or “OTC”) medications.  Recognizing the economic importance of the pet medications industry for American consumers,  and in response to legislative proposals regarding prescriptions for pet medications,  the Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC” or “Commission”) staff compiled information concerning historic and current business practices in the sale of pet medications.  Staff primarily focused on two related issues that directly affect consumers’ access to competitively priced pet medications:

• the availability of “portable” pet medication prescriptions, obtained from veterinarians and used to purchase prescription pet medications somewhere other than the prescribing veterinarian’s office; and
• manufacturer distribution policies and practices for both prescription and OTC pet medications..."
Pet Medication

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