Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Strength in Numbers: Your Guide to 2010 Census Redistricting Data from the U.S. Census Bureau
"Once every 10 years, Americans stand up to be counted. Downtown and out-of-town, in the mountains and on the farms, we speak up and let our governments know that we intend to be represented in the decisions that they make.

The census gives us an opportunity to be part of the democratic process. Census numbers ensure that our representative districts—for the U.S. Congress and for state legislatures, and in our city and town governments—reflect our numbers, north or south, east or west.

This brochure explains where census numbers come from and the role those numbers have in the way states and localities redraw the boundaries of their legislative districts. The information here looks in particular at the maps and numbers that state governments and others get from the Census Bureau and use in redistricting..."

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