Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Diabetes Stigma: Learn About It, Recognize It, Reduce It

"Chances are you know someone with diabetes. They could be a friend, coworker, neighbor, a family member, or even you. And unfortunately, chances are the person you know with diabetes has experienced stigma, or negative attitudes, about having diabetes. Much of the stigma comes from people not knowing enough about diabetes. Reducing diabetes stigma starts with education and raising awareness. Keep reading to learn more.

Diabetes is a serious health condition that millions of Americans live with today. Some people think that people with diabetes make poor decisions or have bad habits, and that’s why they have diabetes. The truth is that diabetes is caused by either the body not being able to make insulin (type 1 diabetes) or because the body doesn’t use insulin well (type 2 diabetes).

Experiencing diabetes stigma is a challenge that many people with diabetes face. In fact, did you know that more than half of people with diabetes report that they have experienced diabetes stigma? Diabetes stigma can exist anywhere: in the family, school, workplace, and even in health care settings. You may not realize it, but stigma can prevent people from getting the care they need, make diabetes management more difficult, and affect one’s mental health. Learning about diabetes stigma can help you recognize it and reduce it.

What is Diabetes Stigma?

Diabetes stigma is defined as negative attitudes, judgment, discrimination, or prejudice against someone because of their diabetes. It comes from the false idea that people with diabetes made unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, which resulted in their diagnosis. Diabetes stigma can particularly affect people who have diabetes and are overweight. These false beliefs do not consider key factors that can cause diabetes, such as genetics (traits you inherit from your parents) and social determinants of health..."

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