Monday, August 15, 2022

Last-Minute Travelers

"If you are a last-minute business traveler, returning to your home country for a family emergency, or traveling internationally on short notice for another reason, you can still plan for safe and healthy travel.

Pretravel Checklist

Even if you are leaving soon, there are steps you can take to prepare for a safe and healthy trip.

Talk to your doctor about vaccines and medicines

If you are short on time, some vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule, meaning doses are given in a shorter period of time.

You may also want to get at least the first dose of certain vaccines that usually require multiple doses so you get some protection before your trip. These include hepatitis A, Japanese encephalitis, and rabies vaccines.

Yellow Fever Vaccination

Some countries require, proof of yellow fever vaccination before entering the country. This proof is usually a signed and stamped International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) card that you receive after you get the vaccine. Your proof of vaccination is not valid until 10 days after you get the vaccine because of the time it takes for your body to build protection. If your destination requires proof of yellow fever vaccination and you are not able to get the vaccine 10 days before travel, you may need to change your travel plans.

Malaria Prevention

If there is a risk of malaria at your destination, your healthcare provider may prescribe medicine to prevent malaria. Be sure to let your healthcare provider know when you are leaving, so they can prescribe the right amount of medicine for you. Some malaria medications must be started 1-2 weeks before you go, while others only need to be started 1-2 days before you travel. You will still need to take steps to prevent mosquito bites during travel, since malaria drugs are not 100% effective and they don’t protect against other diseases spread by mosquitoes (like Zika, dengue, and chikungunya)..."

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