Wednesday, December 18, 2019

National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day

"Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day raises awareness of the risks associated with homelessness and living unsheltered.
Homeless Persons’ Memorial Dayexternal icon (HPMD – December 21) was created in remembrance of those who died while homeless and without shelter. Events are held in communities on or near HPMD to bring attention to the plight of people experiencing homelessness and the life-threatening risks people can experience when living unsheltered, especially during cold and extreme weather conditions.
According to the last Annual Homeless Assessment Report pdf icon[14.2 MB]external icon to Congress, an estimate of the number of sheltered and unsheltered persons in the United States at a Point-In-Time (PIT), 552,830 people experienced homelessness on a single night in 2018, which translates to a rate of 17 people experiencing homelessness per 10,000 people each day. Among those homeless, most were men or boys (61%), who were more likely to be unsheltered than women and girls. Twenty percent were children, most of whom were sheltered..."
Homeless Persons

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