Monday, August 31, 2009

FEMA Disaster Photo Library
"The FEMA on line Photo Library contains more than 16,500 disaster related photographs made since 1989. The collection is composed almost entirely of declared disasters and there are also photographs from FEMA public events which have occurred in Washington, DC.

The photographs are of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Typhoons, Fires, Avalanches, Ice Storms, Blizzards, World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist Attacks, Earthquakes, and the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster.

There are several kinds of photographs in the collection:

Disaster workers (Urban Search and Rescue, Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, National Guard, Red Cross, US Army Corps of Engineers, Forestry Service, IRS, State Disaster Workers, Salvation Army, Citizen Corps) helping disaster victims.
Damage to private property and infrastructure (roads and buildings).
Success story photos where a modification to a building or house lessened the damage from a natural disaster.
FEMA employees and volunteers in training exercises.
FEMA provided temporary housing for displaced citizens due to a disaster.
Elected or appointed officials surveying the disaster and providing support to disaster workers and victims"

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