Monday, August 17, 2009

Federal Trade Commission Smokeless Tobacco Report, 2006
"This report is the latest in a series on smokeless tobacco sales, advertising, and promotion that the Federal Trade Commission ("the Commission") has prepared since 1987. The statistical tables contained within this report provide infonnation on domestic smokeless tobacco sales and advertising and promotional activities. l Commission staff prepared these tables using infomation collected, pursuant to compulsory process, from the parent companies of the five major manufacturers of smokeless tobacco products in the United States. The 2006 data were obtained from: North Atlantic Trading Company, Inc. (the parent of National Tobacco Company); Reynolds American, Inc. (parent ofRJ. Reynolds Tobacco Company and Conwood LLC, which is the general partner of Con wood Sales Co., LP.); Swedish Match North America, Inc.; Swisher International Group, Inc. (the parent of Swisher International, Inc.); and UST, Inc. (the parent of United States Smokeless Tobacco Company)."

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