Sunday, July 5, 2020

Runway to Recovery: The United States Framework for Airlines and Airports to Mitigate the Public Health Risks of Coronavirus

"The U.S. economy is reopening after the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency (PHE) resulted in Federal, State, and local mandated closures and restrictions across many sectors in the first half of 2020. A safe, secure, efficient, and resilient air transportation system that addresses the threat of COVID-19 is critical to reducing the public health risk and supporting the United States’ critical infrastructure needs. Government, aviation, and public health leaders must work together to meaningfully reduce the public health risk and restore passenger, aviation workforce, including crew, and public confidence in air travel.

This document provides the U.S. Government’s guidance to airports and airlines for implementing measures to mitigate the public health risks associated with COVID-19, prepare for an increase in travel volume, and ensure that aviation safety and security are not compromised. It is intended to address public health concerns and support U.S. air carriers and airports as they make decisions and implement changes to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The U.S. Government views public health as a key component of a resilient aviation transportation system, much like safety and security. The aviation industry has maintained a safe and secure system, because stakeholders do not compete on safety and security; we expect the aviation industry to take the same approach to implementing guidance on public health risk mitigations.."
Airlines and COVID-19

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