Thursday, December 6, 2018

CBO’s Long-Term Social Security Projections: Changes Since 2017 and Comparisons With the Social Security Trustees’ Projections

"Each year, the Congressional Budget Office updates its projections of the Social Security system’s finances to incorporate newly available data and information from the research community. The agency also updates its models to incorporate improvements in methods and feedback on its analytical approach. CBO’s latest longterm budget projections were published in June 2018.

Comparison With CBO’s Previous Projections.
CBO’s June 2018 projections indicate a slight improvement in the Social Security system’s financial outlook compared with the previous year’s projections: • The projected 75-year actuarial balance, a commonly used measure of the system’s financial condition, has not changed as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) since last year, remaining at −1.5 percent of GDP (that is, a deficit of 1.5 percent). As a percentage of taxable payroll, the projected 75-year actuarial balance has improved slightly from −4.5 percent to −4.4 percent..." 
Social security projections

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