Monday, July 9, 2018

Acting Fast Is Key with Necrotizing Fasciitis

"Necrotizing fasciitis (NECK-re-tie-zing FASH-e-i-tis) is a rare bacterial infection that spreads quickly in the body and can cause death. See a doctor right away if you have a fever, dizziness, or nausea soon after an injury or surgery.
Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial infection of the tissue under the skin that surrounds muscles, nerves, fat, and blood vessels. The bacteria most commonly get into the body through a break in the skin. Once in the body, the bacteria spread quickly and destroy the tissue they infect. Media reports often call them “flesh eating bacteria.” Unfortunately, necrotizing fasciitis can result in a loss of limbs and even death. Accurate diagnosis, rapid antibiotic treatment, and prompt surgery are important to stopping this infection.

Symptoms Can Often Be Confusing and Develop Quickly

Early symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis include:
  • A red or swollen area of skin that spreads quickly
  • Severe pain, including pain beyond the area of the skin that is red or swollen
  • Fever..."
    Necrotizing fasciitis

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