Thursday, March 31, 2011

Women in the United States Congress:1917-201
"Ninety-one women currently serve in the 112th Congress: 74 in the House (50 Democrats and 24
Republicans) and 17 in the Senate (12 Democrats and 5 Republicans). Ninety-two women were
initially sworn in to the 112th Congress, but one Democratic House Member has since resigned.
This number (92) is lower than the record number of 95 women who were initially elected to the
111th Congress.

The first woman elected to Congress was Representative Jeannette Rankin (R-MT, 1917-1919,
1941-1943). The first woman to serve in the Senate was Rebecca Latimer Felton (D-GA). She
was appointed in 1922 and served for only one day...

This report identifies the names, committee assignments, dates of service, and (for
Representatives) congressional districts of the 274 women who have served in Congress. It will
be updated when there are relevant changes in the makeup of Congress."

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