Thursday, October 7, 2010

Advancing Regulatory Science for Public Health:A Framework for FDA’s Regulatory Science Initiative
"...This document outlines a broad vision for advancing regulatory science and unleashing its potential to improve public health. It discusses the role of the FDA, working with partners, to strengthen the field, both within the agency and throughout the Nation.

The document is organized into two sections: (1) The Promise of Regulatory Science and (2) A Collaborative Implementation Framework. The first section provides background on the emerging and
promising field of regulatory science as well as examples of current activities. It then goes on to
explore seven different public health areas in which advancements in the field can help deliver better, safer, more innovative products to Americans. The second section lays out a strategic framework that will guide FDA as we lead this nationwide effort to advance regulatory science and leverage its potential to fulfill the agency’s fundamental mission — to promote and protect the public health..."

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