Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements
"Arms control and nonproliferation efforts are two of the tools that have occasionally been used to
implement U.S. national security strategy. Although some believe these tools do little to restrain
the behavior of U.S. adversaries, while doing too much to restrain U.S. military forces and
operations, many other analysts see them as an effective means to promote transparency, ease
military planning, limit forces, and protect against uncertainty and surprise. Arms control and
nonproliferation efforts have produced formal treaties and agreements, informal arrangements,
and cooperative threat reduction and monitoring mechanisms. The pace of implementation
slowed, however, in the 1990s, and the Bush Administration usually preferred unilateral or ad hoc
measures to formal treaties and agreements to address U.S. security concerns. But the Obama
Administration has resumed bilateral negotiations with Russia and pledged its support for a
number of multilateral arms control and nonproliferation efforts..."

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