Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Digital Television Transition: No Need to Trash Your TV
"Today, Wilmington, N.C., is the first city in the nation to switch to digital-only broadcasting. EPA encourages Wilmington residents and the rest of the country who own an analog TV set and who receive free broadcasts (via rabbit ears or a roof-top antenna) to extend the life of their TV by connecting it to a digital converter box. Energy Star-qualified digital converter boxes are available for purchase.

For consumers who choose to buy a new TV, EPA recommends purchasing Energy Star-qualified sets. EPA also encourages consumers to recycle their unwanted TVs, which recovers valuable materials from the circuit boards, metal wiring, leaded glass, and plastics.

Last year Americans disposed of more than 20 million TVs, which represents a lost opportunity to conserve natural resources such as copper and iron."

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