Saturday, February 25, 2012

What do I Pay for a Gallon of Regular Gasoline?

"The national average retail price of a gallon of regular gasoline in January 2012 was $3.38. The four main components of the retail price of a gallon of gasoline, and their approximate share of the total price in January are:

Crude Oil: 76%. The cost of crude oil as a share of the retail price varies over time and among regions of the country. Refiners paid an average of about $108.00 per barrel of crude oil, or about $2.57 per gallon, in January 2012.

Refining Costs and Profits: 6%

Distribution, Marketing, and Retail Costs and Profits: 6%

Taxes: 12%. Federal excise taxes were 18.4 cents per gallon and State excise taxes averaged 22.68 cents per gallon."

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